Users can set a priority level for a specific print job using the -q option with the lp(1) command from the UNIX command line. The priority level values range from 0 (highest priority) to 39 (lowest).
For example, to print the file urgent and set the
priority level to 5 (relatively high priority), enter:
lp -q 5 urgent
If the user does not specify a priority level for a print job, the print service uses the default priority level; initially, this is set to 20. To change the default priority level, see ``Setting the default priority level''.
The lp administrator (or root)
can change the priority for any print job that is already
in the queue, as long as it is not already printing:
lp -i request-id -q new-priority-level
This repositions the print job in the queue, putting it ahead of lower priority jobs, but behind any others at the same or higher priority. The priority limit assigned to the user (or the default priority limit) has no effect because the administrator overrides this limit.
See also: