lp, cancel --
send/cancel print requests
lp [print-options] [files]
lp -i request-ID print-options
cancel [request-IDs] [printers]
cancel -u login-IDs [printers]
The first form of the lp command
arranges for the named files
and associated information (collectively called a request) to be printed.
If filenames are not specified on the command line,
the standard input is assumed.
The standard input may be specified along with named files
on the command line by listing the filenames and specifying -
for the standard input.
The files will be printed in the order in which
they appear on the command line.
lp processes supplementary code set characters
according to the locale specified in
the LC_CTYPE environment variable
(see LANG on
except as noted under the -t option below.
The LP print service associates a unique request-ID with each request
and displays it on the standard output.
This request-ID can be used later when
canceling or changing a request, or
when determining its status.
See the section on cancel for details about canceling a request, and
for information about checking the status of a print request.
The second form of lp
is used to change the options for a request
submitted previously.
The print request identified by
the request-ID is changed according to the
print-options specified with this command.
The print-options available are the same as those
with the first form of the lp command.
If the request has finished printing, the change is rejected.
If the request is already printing, it will be stopped and restarted
from the beginning (unless the -P option has been given).
The cancel command allows users to cancel print requests
previously sent with the lp command.
The first form of cancel
permits cancellation of requests
based on their request-ID.
The second form of cancel permits
cancellation of requests
based on the login-ID of their owner.
Sending a print request
The first form of the lp command is used
to send a print request either to
a particular printer
or to any printer capable of meeting
all requirements of the print request.
Options to lp
must always precede filenames,
but may be specified in any order.
The following options are available for lp:
Make copies of
the files to be printed
immediately when lp is invoked.
will not be copied,
but will be linked
whenever possible.
If the -c option is not specified,
the user should be careful
not to remove any of the files
before the request has been printed in its entirety.
It should also be noted
that if the -c option is not specified,
any changes made to the named files
after the request is made
but before it is printed
will be reflected in the printed output.
-d dest-
Choose dest as the printer or class of printers
that is to do the printing.
If dest is a printer,
then the request will be printed only
on that specific printer.
If dest is a class of printers,
then the request will be printed on the first
available printer that is a member of the class.
If dest is any, then the request will
be printed on any printer that can handle it.
Under certain conditions
(unavailability of printers,
file space limitations, and so on)
requests for specific destinations
may not be accepted (see
By default, dest is taken from
the environment variable LPDEST.
If LPDEST is not set, then
dest is taken from the environment variable
If PRINTER is not set, a default destination (if one exists)
for the computer system is used.
If no system default is set and -T is used,
dest will be selected on the basis of
content-type specified with the -T
option [see the description of -T].
Destination names vary between systems (see
-f form-name [-d any]-
Print the request on the form form-name.
The LP print service
ensures that the form is mounted on the printer.
If form-name is requested
with a printer destination that cannot support the form,
the request is rejected.
If form-name has not been defined for the system,
or if the user is not allowed to use the form,
the request is rejected.
When the -d any option is given,
the request is printed
on any printer that has the requested form mounted
and can handle all other needs of the print request.
-H special-handling-
Print the request according to
the value of special-handling.
Acceptable values for special-handling
are defined below:
Do not print the request until notified.
If printing has already begun, stop it.
Other print requests will go ahead of a held request
until it is resumed.
If the Auditing Utilities are installed,
the use of this option is an auditable event.
Resume a held request.
If it had been printing when held,
it will be the next request printed,
unless subsequently bumped by an immediate request.
If the Auditing Utilities are installed,
the use of this option is an auditable event.
The -i option (followed by a request-ID)
must be used whenever this argument is specified.
(Available only to LP administrators)
Print the request next.
If more than one request is assigned immediate,
the most recent request will be printed first.
If another request is currently printing,
it must be put on hold to allow
this immediate request to print.
-L locale-name-
Specify locale-name as the locale to use with
this print request.
By default, locale-name is set to the value of LC_CTYPE.
If LC_CTYPE is not set, locale-name defaults to the
C locale.
Send mail (see
after the files have been printed.
By default, mail is not sent
upon normal completion of the print request.
-n number-
Print number copies of the output.
The default is one copy.
-o options-
Specify printer-dependent options.
Several such options
may be collected by specifying
the -o keyletter more than once
(that is, -o option[1]
-o option[2] ... -o option[n]),
or by specifying a list of options
with one -o keyletter enclosed in double quotes
and separated by spaces
(that is, -o "option[1]
. . . option[n]").
Do not print a banner page with this request.
The administrator can disallow this option at any time.
This option is not supported by printers
configured to use the B2 interface.
Do not insert a form feed between the files given,
if submitting a job to print more than one file.
This option is not supported by
printers configured to use
the PS (PostScript) interface.
Print this request with pages
scaled-decimal-number long.
A scaled-decimal-number is an optionally
scaled decimal number that gives a size in lines,
characters, inches, or centimeters, as appropriate.
The scale is indicated
by appending the letter i for inches,
or the letter c for centimeters.
For length or width settings, an unscaled number indicates
lines or characters;
for line pitch or character pitch settings,
an unscaled number indicates
lines per inch or characters per inch
(the same as a number scaled with i).
For example, length=66 indicates
a page length of 66 lines,
length=11i indicates a page length of 11 inches,
and length=27.94c indicates
a page length of 27.94 centimeters.
This option may not be used with the -f option
and is not supported by
the PS (PostScript) or B2 interface.
Print this request with pages
scaled-decimal-number wide.
(See the explanation of scaled-decimal-numbers
in the discussion of length, above.)
This option may not be used with the -f option
and is not supported by
the PS (PostScript) or B2 interface.
Print this request
with the line pitch set to
(See the explanation of scaled-decimal-numbers
in the discussion of length, above.)
This option may not be used with the
-f option and is not supported by
the PS (PostScript) or B2 interface.
Print this request
with the character pitch set to
pica (representing 10 characters per inch),
elite (representing 12 characters per inch),
or compressed (representing
as many characters per inch as a printer can handle).
There is not a standard number of characters per inch for
all printers;
see the
for the default character pitch for your printer.
This option may not be used with the -f option
and is not supported by
the PS (PostScript) or B2 interface.
A list of options valid for the stty command;
enclose the list with single quotes if it contains blanks.
-P page-list-
Print the pages specified in page-list.
This option can be used only
if there is a filter available to handle it;
otherwise, the print request will be rejected.
The page-list may consist of ranges of numbers,
single page numbers, or
a combination of both.
The pages will be printed in ascending order.
-q priority-level-
Assign this request priority-level
in the printing queue.
The values of priority-level range from 0
(highest priority) to 39 (lowest priority).
If a priority is not specified,
the default for the print service is
used, as assigned by the system administrator.
A priority limit may be assigned
to individual users by the system administrator.
If the Auditing Utilities are installed,
the use of this option is an auditable event.
Remove file(s) after submitting the print request. Use
this option with caution.
See ``-T content-type [-r]'' below.
Suppress the ``request id is ...'' message.
-S character-set [-d any]-
-S print-wheel [-d any]-
Print this request using the specified character-set
or print-wheel.
If a form was requested and it requires a character set or
print wheel other than
the one specified with the -S option,
the request is rejected.
For printers that take print wheels: if
the print wheel specified is not one
listed by the administrator as acceptable
for the printer specified in this request,
the request is rejected
unless the print wheel is already mounted on the printer.
For printers that use selectable
or programmable character sets: if
the character-set specified is not one
defined in the Terminfo database for the printer
or is not an alias defined by the administrator,
the request is rejected.
When the -d any option is used, the request
is printed on any printer that
has the print wheel mounted or
any printer that can select the character set,
and that can handle all other needs of the request.
-t title-
Print title
on the banner page of the output.
The default is no title.
Enclose title in quotes if it contains blanks.
Supplementary code set characters specified in title
are not printed correctly
-T content-type [-r]-
Print the request on a printer that can support
the specified content-type.
If no printer accepts this type directly,
a filter will be used
to convert the content into an acceptable type.
If the -r option is specified,
a filter will not be used.
If -r is specified but no printer accepts the
content-type directly, the request is rejected.
If the content-type is not acceptable to any printer,
either directly or with a filter, the request is rejected.
In addition to ensuring that no filters will be used,
the -r option will force the equivalent
of the -o 'stty=-opost' option.
Write a message on the user's terminal after
the files have been printed.
If the user is not logged in,
or if the printer resides on a remote system,
then mail will be sent instead.
Be aware that messages may be sent
to a window other than
the one in which the command was originally entered.
-y mode-list-
Print this request
according to the printing modes listed in mode-list.
The allowed values for mode-list are locally defined.
This option may be used only if there is a filter
available to handle it;
otherwise, the print request will be rejected.
The following list describes the
-y reverse-
Reverse the order in which pages are printed.
This filter option is not supported by the LP Print Service.
-y landscape-
Change the orientation of a physical page
from portrait to landscape.
-y x=number,y=number-
Change the default position of a logical page
on a physical page by moving the origin.
-y group=number-
Group multiple logical pages on a single physical page.
-y magnify=number-
Change the logical size of each page
in a document.
-o length=number-
Select the number of lines in each page of the document.
-P number-
Select, by page numbers,
a subset of a document to be printed.
-n number-
Print multiple copies of a document.
Canceling a print request
The cancel
command cancels requests for print jobs made with the
lp command.
The first form allows a user to specify
one or more request-IDs of
print jobs to be canceled.
Alternatively, the user can specify
one or more printers,
on which only the currently printing job
will be canceled if it is the user's job.
The second form of cancel cancels
all jobs for users specified in login-IDs.
In this form the printers option can be used
to restrict the printers
on which the users' jobs will be canceled.
Note that in this form,
when the printers option is used,
all jobs queued by the users
for those printers will be canceled.
A printer class is not a valid argument.
A user without special privileges can cancel only
requests that are associated with his or her own login ID;
To cancel a request, a user issues the command:
cancel -u login-ID [printer]
This command cancels
all print requests associated with the login-ID
of the user making the request,
either on all printers (by default)
or on the printer specified.
Administrative users with the appropriate privileges
can cancel jobs submitted by any user
by issuing the following types of commands:
cancel -u "login-ID-list"-
Cancels all requests (on all relevant printers)
by the specified users,
including those jobs currently being printed.
Double quotes must be used around login-ID-list
if the list contains blanks.
The argument login-ID-list
may include any or all of the following constructs:
a user on the local system
a user on system system-name
all users on system system-name
a user on all systems
all users on the local system
all users on all systems
Note that a remote job can be canceled
only if it originated on the client system;
that is, a server system can cancel jobs
that came from a client,
and a client system can cancel
jobs it sent to a server.
The exception to this is when the bsd printer protocol
is being used and the client has been marked as ``trusted''
in /etc/lp/Systems. This allows the root
user on a trusted client to cancel requests originating with
other clients. See
for more information.
cancel -u "login-ID-list" printer-1-
printer-2 printer-n
Cancels all requests by the specified users
for the specified printers,
including those jobs currently being printed.
(For a complete list of printers available on your system,
execute the lpstat -p command.)
In any of these cases,
the cancellation of a request that is currently printing
frees the printer to print the next request.
If the Auditing Utilities are installed,
the use of this command is an auditable event.
Downloading type 1 postScript fonts to postScript printers
The UnixWare Desktop has a feature allowing the
installation of Type 1 scalable outline fonts for use with applications.
These fonts may be downloaded to PostScript printers
if the application generates PostScript output that uses them.
Filtering of output does not automatically occur when
the printer accepts the content type of the request
(specified by the -T option) directly.
For Postscript requests with content type PS,
downloading of fonts will not take place.
Use content type postscript or post
if automatic font downloading is required.
The lp command can handle this automatically
using the filter named download.
For more information, see
language-specific message file
(see LANG on
Printers for which requests are not being accepted
will not be considered
when the destination is any.
(Use the lpstat -a command to see
which printers are accepting requests.)
However, if a request is destined
for a class of printers
and the class itself is accepting requests,
then all printers in the class will be considered,
regardless of their acceptance status.
For printers that take
mountable print wheels or font cartridges,
if you do not specify
a particular print wheel or font with the -S option,
whichever one happens to be mounted
at the time your request is printed will be used.
The lpstat -p printer -l command
is used to see which print wheels
are available on a particular printer.
The lpstat -S -l command is used to see
what print wheels are available and on which printers.
Without the -S option, the standard
character set is used for printers that have
selectable character sets.
If you experience problems with jobs
that usually print but
on occasion do not print,
check the physical connections between the printer
and your computer.
If you are using an automatic data switch or an A/B switch,
try removing it and see if the problem clears.
Earlier versions of the UNIX® system may issue warnings
about unrecognized options
(such as the locale= or flist= options), when
processing print requests from remote systems running a
more recent version of the LP Print Server.
The request will be printed normally, however.
Administrators with appropriate privileges can suppress these
warnings by adding the following two
lines to the section annotated as ``adding simple options,''
in the printer interface program used by the printer
issuing the warnings.
locale=*) ;;
flist=*) ;;
(Printer interface programs are found in the /usr/lib/lp/model
An example of how to do this can be found in the
interface program.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004