
communicator -- start Netscape Communicator

Command syntax

/usr/X/bin/communicator [-help] [-version] [-display dpy] [-geometry =WxH+X+Y] [-visual id-or-number] [-install | -no-install] [-ncols n] [-mono] [-iconic] [-xrm resource-spec] [-remote remote-command] [-id window-id] [-raise | -noraise] [-nethelp] [-dont-force-window-stacking] [-no-about-splash] [-no-session-management | -session-management] [-no-irix-session-management | -irix-session-management] [-dont-save-geometry-prefs] [-ignore-geometry-prefs] [-component-bar] [-composer | -edit] [-messenger | -mail] [-discussions | -news] [URL | file]

Desktop access

Start Netscape Communicator(TM) by entering /usr/X/bin/communicator at the command line in an xterm window on your desktop.

NOTE: If Netscape Communicator is already running, you see a warning. It is safe to continue; however, you will be unable to use the disk cache and global history.

To exit from Communicator, select:

File -> Exit

WARNING: This might exit other Communicator windows you have open.

To close a Communicator window, select:

File -> Close

You can view the SCO online documentation with Netscape Communicator or another HTML browser by opening the following URL:


where document-server is either localhost (if the documentation is on the local system) or the fully qualified domain name of the document server.


Netscape Communicator is a comprehensive set of Internet and intranet components that integrates email, groupware, HTML editing, conferencing, and calendaring with the Netscape Navigator(TM) WWW browser. Netscape Communicator allows users to easily communicate, share, and access information using the latest Internet technologies.

The communicator command brings up the graphical Netscape Navigator(TM) browser. You can run it with or without options. If you include a URL or file location at the command line, the browser opens that location, rather than the default home page, at startup.

The communicator command is set up to start a child browser window automatically from an already-running browser if such exists. This can save system resources and improve performance for some systems. To disable this feature, set the NETSCAPE_NOAUTOREMOTE environment variable to ``true''.

Command options

Communicator supports all the Xt_options(X1).

The following options are also available when starting communicator from the command line:

displays the command-line help message

shows the version number and build date

-display dpy
specifies the X server to use

positions and sizes the browser window

-visual id-or-number
uses a specific server visual

installs a private colormap

uses the default colormap

-ncols n
when not using -install, sets the maximum number of colors to allocate for images

forces 1-bit-deep image display

starts up the browser iconified

-xrm resource-spec
sets a specific X resource

-remote remote-command
executes a command in an already-running Netscape process. For more information, see Remote Control of UNIX Netscape.

-id window-id
specifies the ID of an X window to which the -remote commands should be sent; if unspecified, the first window found is used

specifies whether the -remote commands that follow should cause the window to raise itself to the top (default behavior)

specifies that the -remote commands that follow do not auto-raise the window (opposite of -raise)

displays nethelp (requires the nethelp: URL)

ignores the alwaysraised, alwayslowered, and z-lock JavaScript attributes

bypasses the startup license page


forces session management on (default) or off


turns on IRIX session managment (off by default) try if you experience session management problems

specifies to no save window geometry for the session

ignores saved window geometry for the session

show only the Component Bar


opens all command-line URLs in Composer


shows Messenger Mailbox (INBOX)


shows Collabra Discussions

Online documentation

To view the online Netscape Communicator documentation (NetHelp), start Communicator, then select:

Help -> Help

To view the online Communicator Release and Installation Notes, start Communicator, open SCOhelp, then click on Internet and Intranet in the left frame, and then click on Netscape.


script that starts Communicator

Netscape Communicator binary

NetHelp HTML help files

system default configuration files for Communicator on UnixWare 7 systems

individual user configuration files for the Netscape browsers


configuration files for the MIME protocol


scohelp(X1), netscape(X1)

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004