
priocntl -- process scheduler control


   #include <sys/types.h>
   #include <sys/procset.h>
   #include <sys/priocntl.h>
   #include <sys/fppriocntl.h>
   #include <sys/tspriocntl.h>

long priocntl(idtype_t idtype, id_t id, int cmd, void *arg);


priocntl provides for control over the scheduling and working set aging aspects of active processes.

Processes fall into distinct classes with a separate scheduling policy applied to each class. The two classes currently supported are the fixed priority class and the time-sharing class. The characteristics of these classes are described under the corresponding headings below. The class attribute of a process is inherited across the fork(2) and exec(2) system calls. priocntl can be used to dynamically change the class and other scheduling parameters associated with a running process or set of processes given the appropriate permissions as explained below.

In the default configuration, the highest fixed priority process runs before any other process. Therefore, inappropriate use of fixed priority processes can have a negative effect on system performance.

priocntl provides an interface for specifying a process or set of processes to which the system call is to apply. The priocntlset system call provides the same functions as priocntl, but allows a more general interface for specifying the set of processes to which the system call is to apply.

For priocntl, the idtype and id arguments are used together to specify the set of processes. The interpretation of id depends on the value of idtype. The possible values for idtype and corresponding interpretations of id are as follows:

id is a process ID specifying a single process to which the priocntl system call is to apply.

id is a parent process ID. The priocntl system call applies to all processes with the specified parent process ID.

id is a process group ID. The priocntl system call applies to all processes in the specified process group.

id is a session ID. The priocntl system call applies to all processes in the specified session.

id is a class ID (returned by priocntl PC_GETCID as explained below). The priocntl system call applies to all processes in the specified class.

id is a user ID. The priocntl system call applies to all processes with this effective user ID.

id is a group ID. The priocntl system call applies to all processes with this effective group ID.

The priocntl system call applies to all existing processes. The value of id is ignored. The permission restrictions described below still apply.

An id value of P_MYID can be used with the idtype value to specify the calling process's process ID, parent process ID, process group ID, session ID, class ID, user ID, or group ID.

To change the scheduling parameters of a process (using the PC_SETPARMS command as explained below) the real or effective user ID of the process calling priocntl must match the real or effective user ID of the receiving process or the calling process must have appropriate privilege. See the subsections below for details for each class. These are the minimum permission requirements enforced for all classes. An individual class can impose additional permissions requirements when setting processes to that class or when setting class-specific scheduling parameters.

A special sys scheduling class exists for scheduling the execution of certain special system processes (such as the swapper process). It is not possible to change the class of any process to sys. In addition, any processes in the sys class that are included in a specified set of processes are disregarded by priocntl. For example, an idtype of P_UID and an id value of zero would specify all processes with a user ID of zero except processes in the sys class and (if changing the parameters using PC_SETPARMS) the init process.

The init process is a special case. In order for a priocntl call to change the class or other scheduling parameters of the init process (process ID 1), it must be the only process specified by idtype and id. The init process may be assigned to any class configured on the system, but the time-sharing class is almost always the appropriate choice. (Some choices may be highly undesirable; see ``Process management'' in Programming with system calls and libraries for more information.)

The data type and value of arg are specific to the type of command specified by cmd.

Use the structure of type PC_GETCID and PC_GETCLINFO containing the following members:

       id_t    pc_cid;                 /* Class id */
       char    pc_clname[PC_CLNMSZ];   /* Class name */
       long    pc_clinfo[PC_CLINFOSZ]; /* Class information */

pc_cid is a class ID returned by priocntl PC_GETCID. pc_clname is a buffer of size PC_CLNMSZ (defined in sys/priocntl.h) used to hold the class name (FP for or TS for time-sharing).

pc_clinfo is a buffer of size PC_CLINFOSZ (defined in sys/priocntl.h) used to return data describing the attributes of a specific class. The format of this data is class-specific and is described under the appropriate heading (see

``Fixed priority class''


``Time-Sharing class'')


Use the structure of the type PC_SETPARMS and PC_GETPARMS containing the following members:

       id_t    pc_cid;                  /* Process class */
       long    pc_clparms[PC_CLPARMSZ]; /* Class-specific params */

pc_cid is a class ID (returned by priocntl PC_GETCID). The special class ID PC_CLNULL can also be assigned to pc_cid when using the PC_GETPARMS command as explained below.

The pc_clparms buffer holds class-specific scheduling parameters. The format of this parameter data for a particular class is described under the appropriate heading below. PC_CLPARMSZ is the length of the pc_clparms buffer and is defined in sys/priocntl.h.


Available priocntl commands are:

Get class ID and class attributes for a specific class given class name. The idtype and id arguments are ignored. If arg is non-null, it points to a structure of type pcinfo_t. The pc_clname buffer contains the name of the class whose attributes you are getting.

On success, the class ID is returned in pc_cid, the class attributes are returned in the pc_clinfo buffer, and the priocntl call returns the total number of classes configured in the system (including the sys class). If the class specified by pc_clname is invalid or is not currently configured, the priocntl call returns -1 with errno set to EINVAL. The format of the attribute data returned for a given class is defined in the sys/fppriocntl.h or sys/tspriocntl.h header file and described under the appropriate heading below.

If arg is a NULL pointer, no attribute data is returned but the priocntl call still returns the number of configured classes.

Get class name and class attributes for a specific class given class ID. The idtype and id arguments are ignored. If arg is non-null, it points to a structure of type pcinfo_t. pc_cid is the class ID of the class whose attributes you are getting.

On success, the class name is returned in the pc_clname buffer, the class attributes are returned in the pc_clinfo buffer, and the priocntl call returns the total number of classes configured in the system (including the sys class). The format of the attribute data returned for a given class is defined in the sys/fppriocntl.h or sys/tspriocntl.h header file and described under the appropriate heading below.

If arg is a NULL pointer, no attribute data is returned but the priocntl call still returns the number of configured classes.

Set the class and class-specific scheduling parameters of the specified process(es). arg points to a structure of type pcparms_t. pc_cid specifies the class you are setting and the pc_clparms buffer contains the class-specific parameters you are setting. The format of the class-specific parameter data is

defined in the sys/fppriocntl.h or sys/tspriocntl.h header file and described under the appropriate class heading below.

When setting parameters for a set of processes, priocntl acts on the processes in the set in an implementation-specific order. If priocntl encounters an error for one or more of the target processes, it may or may not continue through the set of processes, depending on the error. If the error is related to permissions (EPERM), priocntl continues through the process set, resetting the parameters for all target processes for which the calling process has appropriate permissions. priocntl then returns -1 with errno set to EPERM to indicate that the operation failed for one or more of the target processes. If priocntl encounters an error other than permissions, it does not continue through the set of target processes but returns the error immediately.

Due to the relationship between a process and its LWPs, it is sometimes necessary to queue up scheduling class changes to the target LWPs. An LWP with scheduling class changes in its queue will process the requests at the earliest safe opportunity. The LWP will continue to reflect its old scheduling class until the change takes effect.

Get the class and class-specific scheduling parameters for a process. arg points the a structure of type pcparms_t.

If pc_cid specifies a configured class and a single process belonging to that class is specified by the idtype and id values or the procset structure, then the scheduling parameters of that process are returned in the pc_clparms buffer. If the process specified does not exist or does not belong to the specified class, the priocntl call returns -1 with errno set to ESRCH.

If pc_cid specifies a configured class and a set of processes is specified, the scheduling parameters of one specified process belonging to the specified class are returned in the pc_clparms buffer and the priocntl call returns the process ID of the selected process. The criteria for selecting a process to return is class dependent. If none of the specified processes exist or none of them belong to the specified class, the priocntl call returns -1 with errno set to ESRCH.

If pc_cid is PC_CLNULL and a single process is specified, the class of the specified process is returned in pc_cid and its scheduling parameters are returned in the pc_clparms buffer.

This command provides functionality needed for the implementation of the dispadmin(1M) command; it is not intended for general use by other applications.

Fixed priority class

The fixed priority class provides a fixed priority preemptive scheduling policy for those processes requiring fast and deterministic response and absolute user or application control of scheduling priorities. If the fixed priority class is configured in the system it should have exclusive control of the highest range of scheduling priorities on the system. This ensures that a runnable fixed priority process is given CPU service before any process belonging to any other class.

The fixed priority class has a range of fixed priority (fp_pri) values that can be assigned to processes within the class. Fixed priorities range from 0 to x, where the value of x is configurable and can be determined for a specific installation by using the priocntl PC_GETCID or PC_GETCLINFO command.

The fixed priority scheduling policy is a fixed priority policy. The scheduling priority of a fixed priority process is never changed except as the result of an explicit request by the user or application to change the fp_pri value of the process.

For processes in the fixed priority class, the fp_pri value is, for all practical purposes, equivalent to the scheduling priority of the process. The fp_pri value completely determines the scheduling priority of a fixed priority process relative to other processes within its class. Numerically higher fp_pri values represent higher priorities. Since the fixed priority class controls the highest range of scheduling priorities in the system it is guaranteed that the runnable fixed priority process with the highest fp_pri value is always selected to run before any other process in the system.

In addition to providing control over priority, priocntl provides for control over the length of the time quantum allotted to processes in the fixed priority class. The time quantum value specifies the maximum amount of time a process can run if it does not complete or enter a resource or event wait state (sleep). Note that if another process becomes runnable at a higher priority, the currently running process can be preempted before receiving its full time quantum.

The system's process scheduler keeps the runnable fixed priority processes on a set of scheduling queues. There is a separate queue for each configured fixed priority and all fixed priority processes with a given fp_pri value are kept together on the appropriate queue. The processes on a given queue are ordered in FIFO order (that is, the process at the front of the queue has been waiting longest for service and receives the CPU first). Fixed priority processes that wake up after sleeping, processes that change to the fixed priority class from some other class, processes that have used their full time quantum, and runnable processes whose priority is reset by priocntl are all placed at the back of the appropriate queue for their priority. A process that is preempted by a higher priority process remains at the front of the queue (with whatever time is remaining in its time quantum) and runs before any other process at this priority. Following a fork(2) system call by a fixed priority process, the parent process continues to run while the child process (which inherits the fp_pri value of the parent) is placed at the back of the queue.

Use the structure fpinfo_t in sys/fppriocntl.h that defines the format used for the attribute data for the fixed priority class.

        short     fp_maxpri;     /* Maximum fixed priority */

The priocntl PC_GETCID and PC_GETCLINFO commands return fixed priority class attributes in the pc_clinfo buffer in this format.

fp_maxpri specifies the configured maximum fp_pri value for the fixed priority class (if fp_maxpri is x, the valid fixed priority priorities range from 0 to x).

The structure fpparms_t defined in sys/fppriocntl.h defines the format used to specify the fixed priority class-specific scheduling parameters of a process.

       short    fp_pri;        /* Fixed priority */
       ulong    fp_tqsecs;     /* Seconds in time quantum */
       long     fp_tqnsecs;    /* Additional nanoseconds in quantum */

When using the priocntl PC_SETPARMS or PC_GETPARMS commands, if pc_cid specifies the fixed priority class, the data in the pc_clparms buffer is in this format.

The above commands can be used to set the fixed priority to the specified value or get the current fp_pri value. Setting the fp_pri value of a process that is currently running or runnable (not sleeping) causes the process to be placed at the back of the scheduling queue for the specified priority. The process is placed at the back of the appropriate queue regardless of whether the priority being set is different from the previous fp_pri value of the process. Note that a running process can voluntarily release the CPU and go to the back of the scheduling queue at the same priority by resetting its fp_pri value to its current fixed priority value. To change the time quantum of a process without setting the priority or affecting the position of the process on the queue, set the fp_pri field to the special value FP_NOCHANGE (defined in sys/fppriocntl.h). Specifying FP_NOCHANGE when changing the class of a process to fixed priority from some other class results in the fixed priority being set to zero.

For the priocntl PC_GETPARMS command, if pc_cid specifies the fixed priority class and more than one fixed priority process is specified, the scheduling parameters of the fixed priority process with the highest fp_pri value among the specified processes are returned and the process ID of this process is returned by the priocntl call. If there is more than one process sharing the highest priority, the one returned is implementation-dependent.

The fp_tqsecs and fp_tqnsecs fields are used for getting or setting the time quantum associated with a process or group of processes. fp_tqsecs is the number of seconds in the time quantum and fp_tqnsecs is the number of additional nanoseconds in the quantum. For example setting fp_tqsecs to 2 and fp_tqnsecs to 500,000,000 (decimal) results in a time quantum of two and one-half seconds. Specifying a value of 1,000,000,000 or greater in the fp_tqnsecs field results in an error return with errno set to EINVAL. Although the resolution of the tq_nsecs field is very fine, the specified time quantum length is rounded up by the system to the next integral multiple of the system clock's resolution. For example, the finest resolution currently available on a system is 10 milliseconds (1 ``tick''). Setting fp_tqsecs to 0 and fp_tqnsecs to 34,000,000 specifies a time quantum of 34 milliseconds, which is rounded up to 4 ticks (40 milliseconds) on a machine with 10-millisecond resolution. The maximum time quantum that can be specified is implementation-specific and equal to LONG_MAX ticks (defined in limits.h). Requesting a quantum greater than this maximum results in an error return with errno set to ERANGE (although infinite quantums can be requested using a special value as explained below). Requesting a time quantum of zero (setting both fp_tqsecs and fp_tqnsecs to 0) results in an error return with errno set to EINVAL.

When the fp_tqnsecs field is set to a special value (defined in sys/fppriocntl.h), the value of fp_tqsecs is ignored.

Set an infinite time quantum.

Set the time quantum to the default for this priority [see fp_dptbl(4)].

Don't set the time quantum. This value is useful when you want to change the fixed priority of a process without affecting the time quantum. Specifying this value when changing the class of a process to fixed priority from some other class is equivalent to specifying FP_TQDEF.

To change the class of a process to fixed priority (from any other class), or to change the priority or time quantum setting of a fixed priority process, the following conditions must be true:

The fixed priority and time quantum are inherited across the fork(2) and exec(2) system calls.

Time-Sharing class

The time-sharing scheduling policy provides for a fair and effective allocation of the CPU resource among processes with varying CPU consumption characteristics. The objectives of the time-sharing policy are to provide good response time to interactive processes and good throughput to CPU-bound jobs while providing a degree of user and application control over scheduling.

The time-sharing class has a range of time-sharing user priority (see ts_upri) values that can be assigned to processes within the class. A ts_upri value of zero is defined as the default base priority for the time-sharing class. User priorities range from -x to +x where the value of x is configurable and can be determined for a specific installation by using the priocntl PC_GETCID or PC_GETCLINFO command.

The purpose of the user priority is to provide some degree of user and application control over the scheduling of processes in the time-sharing class. Raising or lowering the ts_upri value of a process in the time-sharing class raises or lowers the scheduling priority of the process. It is not guaranteed, however, that a process with a higher ts_upri value will run before one with a lower ts_upri value. This is because the ts_upri value is just one factor used to determine the scheduling priority of a time-sharing process. The system dynamically adjusts the internal scheduling priority of a time-sharing process based on other factors such as recent CPU usage.

In addition to the system-wide limits on user priority (returned by the PC_GETCID and PC_GETCLINFO commands) there is a per process user priority limit (see ts_uprilim below), which specifies the maximum ts_upri value that can be set for a given process; by default, ts_uprilim is zero.

The structure tsinfo_t (defined in sys/tspriocntl.h) defines the format used for the attribute data for the time-sharing class.

        short     ts_maxupri;    /* Limits of user priority range */

The priocntl PC_GETCID and PC_GETCLINFO commands return time-sharing class attributes in the pc_clinfo buffer in this format.

ts_maxupri specifies the configured maximum user priority value for the time-sharing class. If ts_maxupri is x, the valid range for both user priorities and user priority limits is from -x to +x.

The structure tsparms_t defined in sys/tspriocntl.h, defines the format used to specify the time-sharing class-specific scheduling parameters of a process.

        short    ts_uprilim;  /* Time-Sharing user priority limit */
        short    ts_upri;     /* Time-Sharing user priority */

When using the priocntl PC_SETPARMS or PC_GETPARMS commands, if pc_cid specifies the time-sharing class, the data in the pc_clparms buffer is in this format.

For the priocntl PC_GETPARMS command, if pc_cid specifies the time-sharing class and more than one time-sharing process is specified, the scheduling parameters of the time-sharing process with the highest ts_upri value among the specified processes is returned and the process ID of this process is returned by the priocntl call. If there is more than one process sharing the highest user priority, the one returned is implementation-dependent.

Any time-sharing process can lower its own ts_uprilim (or that of another process with the same user ID).

If the priority of the target process is to be raised above its current value, or if the target process's ts_uprilim is to be raised above a value of 0, the following conditions must be true:

Attempts by an unprivileged user process to raise a ts_uprilim or set an initial ts_uprilim greater than zero fail with a return value of -1 and errno set to EPERM.

Any time-sharing process can set its own ts_upri (or that of another process with the same user ID) to any value less than or equal to the ts_uprilim of the process. Attempts to set ts_upri above ts_uprilim (or set ts_uprilim below ts_upri) result in ts_upri being set equal to ts_uprilim.

Either of the ts_uprilim or ts_upri fields can be set to the special value TS_NOCHANGE (defined in sys/tspriocntl.h) to set one value without affecting the other. Specifying TS_NOCHANGE for ts_upri when ts_uprilim is being set to a value below the current ts_upri causes ts_upri to be set equal to the ts_uprilim value being set. Specifying TS_NOCHANGE for a parameter when changing the class of a process to time-sharing (from some other class) causes the parameter to be set to a default value. The default value for ts_uprilim is 0 and the default for ts_upri is equal to the value of ts_uprilim that is being set.

The time-sharing user priority and user priority limit are inherited across the fork and exec system calls.

Aging parameters

priocntl also can set or report the working set aging parameters for one or more specified process. These commands are not scheduling class related.

Use the structure of type ageparms_t for arg for these commands. The ageparms_t structure contains the following members:

       size_t    maxrss;
       clock_t   et_age_interval;
       clock_t   init_agequantum;
       clock_t   min_agequantum;
       clock_t   max_agequantum;

The maxrss value specifies the maximum resident set size in pages. The system uses this value to determine whether a process is subject to trimming operations. A fixed number of pages are removed from the address space of the process when the process is trimmed.

The et_age_interval specifies the elapsed time for the aging interval in seconds. When this interval has elapsed, the process is subject to an external aging operation.

The age quantum fields specify the age quantum values in Hertz. Processes are aged after they accumulate a certain number of virtual clock ticks. The initial age quantum is the value assigned to the process(es) at creation time. The minimum and maximum values specify the range for the process(es).

Install the values specified in the ageparms_t structure. All idtype arguments except P_CID listed before are valid. A value of 0 for any of the fields in the ageparms_t structure leaves this parameter unchanged. The errno EINVAL is returned when setting the min or max age quantum parameters for the following two reasons:

The calling process must have the P_SYSOPS privilege to use PC_SETAGEPARMS.

On success, 0 is returned.

Display the aging parameters for the specified process(es). The only valid value for the idtype argument is P_PID.

No special privileges are needed to use this command.

Return values

Unless otherwise noted above, priocntl returns a value of 0 on success. On failure, priocntl returns -1 and sets errno to identify the error.


In the following conditions, priocntl fails and sets errno to:

An attempt to change the class of a process failed because of insufficient resources other than memory (for example, class-specific kernel data structures).

The argument cmd was invalid, an invalid or unconfigured class was specified, or a parameter specified was invalid.

All or part of the area pointed to by a data pointer is outside the address space of the process.

An attempt to change the class of a process failed because of insufficient memory.

An attempt was made to change the system time-sharing or fixed priority defaults, and the calling process does not have the P_TSHAR or P_RTIME privileges (respectively, for the two classes).

The effective user ID of the calling process does not match the effective user ID of the target process, and the calling process does not have the P_OWNER privilege.

An attempt was made to change the class of the target process to fixed priority (from any class) and the calling process does not have the P_OWNER and the P_RTIME privileges.

An attempt was made to change the priority of a fixed priority process and the calling process does not have the P_OWNER and the P_RTIME privileges.

An attempt was made to raise the priority of a time-sharing process, or raise the ts_prilim of the process above 0, and the calling process does not have the P_OWNER and the P_TSHAR privileges.

An attempt was made to use the PC_SETAGEPARMS command and the calling process did not have the P_SYSOPS privilege.

The requested time quantum is out of range.

None of the specified processes exist.


dispadmin(1M), exec(2), fork(2), fp_dptbl(4), nice(2), priocntl(1), priocntlset(2), ts_dptbl(4)


Considerations for threads programming

The priocntl(2) system call should not be used to change the priority of multiplexed threads. Doing so may interfere with the scheduling of threads by the Threads Library.

Considerations for lightweight processes

Operations on processes apply to all LWPs associated with that process.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004