
getone -- retrieve objects from SNMP entity


getone [-f defn_file] [-T timeout] entity_addr community_string object_name...


The getone command is an SNMP application that retrieves a set of individual objects from an SNMP entity using a GET request.

The arguments are the entity's address, the community string for access to the SNMP entity, and the fully qualified object name(s).

The entity address can be either an IP address or entity name (if name-to-address resolution is enabled).

The community string used must be valid on the given entity. On UnixWare community strings are kept in /etc/netmgt/snmpd.comm.

Variable names must refer to a valid SNMP object or class of objects. Variable names can be in the form of an identifier or the equivalent SNMP dot-notation. Identifiers for UnixWare SNMP objects are listed in ``UnixWare group and object descriptions'' in Configuring and administering SNMP. Equivalent SNMP dot-notation for these objects is defined in the files /etc/netmgt/nwumpsd.defs, /etc/netmgt/snmpd.defs, and /etc/netmgt/unixwared.defs. For a general explanation of SNMP dot-notation, see RFC 1213.


The -f option is used to specify a file containing the mosy(1Msnmp) and post_mosy(1Msnmp) compiled list of object names and their numeric Object Identifiers, in addition to the objects in the standard MIB. This allows the user to dynamically augment the number of objects that can be recognized by the management utility.

The -T option can be used to specify the number of seconds the command will wait for a response from the entity specified by entity_addr. If not specified, this defaults to 20 seconds.


Since the function is a GET, as opposed to a GET-NEXT, the object must be fully qualified for the request to be successful.

For instance:

getone suzzy public sysDescr.0 ifNumber.0

would return the objects sysDescr.0 and ifNumber.0, but the call

getone suzzy public system

would return an error from the entity, since system is not a fully qualified SNMP object.


getid(1Msnmp), getmany(1Msnmp), getnext(1Msnmp), getroute(1Msnmp), mosy(1Msnmp), post_mosy(1Msnmp), setany(1Msnmp), snmp(1Msnmp)

RFC 1155, RFC 1157, RFC 1213

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004