SVR5, SCO OpenServer 5, AIX 5L, Linux-32, and Linux-64
plt --
platform load tests
$PLT_HOME is the top of the directory tree
where the executable and log files reside.
Its location is:
SVR5 SCO OpenServer 5, and Linux
plt is
the interface to a suite of tests
that exercise a computer system under a heavy load.
These tests are used to qualify computer systems
with the operating system
and can also be used
to test kernel sanity after new device drivers
and other kernel-level code have been added.
The plt tests deliver output
to xterm windows as they run,
assuming that plt can successfully run an X program.
Each xterm window has
the name of the test in the title bar.
All the test output is also written to logfiles
that can be analyzed later;
if plt cannot run an X program,
it suppresses the screen output
and merely logs the results to the files.
To run the plt tests:
Open an xterm window and execute the
$PLT_HOME/plt command.
The tests display notices on the screen,
ask for user input, and allow you to select
the tests that will be run.
At the menu screen,
execute the Balanced load tests option
to run the tests that are required for certification.
You can instead select individual tests to run
when testing during the development phase.
The network tests are optional on all systems;
the graphics tests are part of
the Balanced load tests on AIX 5L
but optional on SVR5, SCO OpenServer 5, and Linux systems.
You can also select individual graphics tests
(ICO, x11perf, or Maze)
rather than running the full graphics suite.
When you select the Balanced load tests option,
the system runs with a consistent
but not onerous load.
Selecting individual tests
causes them to run unbounded.
This may exhaust resources
and cause spurious failures.
You will see the description string for the selected tests
change to READY TO RUN
Enter r to run the tests.
You will be prompted for additional parameters
that may be required for individual tests
such as network and graphics.
Specify how long to run the tests in hours or minutes,
or just press <Enter> to run the tests without a time limit.
For certification,
these tests should run for 36-48 hours without errors
to give reasonable confidence of system and driver sanity;
specific requirements will be specified in the certification agreement.
Shorter runs may be useful for testing
during the development process.
Insert a scratch floppy disk
and an unmounted CD-ROM in the appropriate drives
and press <Enter>.
plt displays the actual command with options
to be run and begins the tests.
If you do not insert the media before
starting the tests,
you will be prompted to insert them
and can do so while the test is running;
the test suites will recognize when they are available.
As the tests are running,
the output from each test is displayed
in xterm windows
that contain the name of the test in the title bar.
Error information is written
to files in the log directory.
Press <Esc> to terminate test execution
before the time slice specified expires.
It may take several minutes for the system to respond;
please be patient.
The pltanalyze command
that checks the test results summary
is called at the end of the test run.
It may, however, report spurious errors
because tests have not yet written the final information
into their log files.
pltanalyze can be run manually:
# cd $PLT_HOME
# ./pltanalyze
cdrom test: SUCCESS
cpu test: SUCCESS
disk test: SUCCESS
floppy test: SUCCESS
memory test: SUCCESS
network test: NOT TESTED
graphics test: SUCCESS
If any of the tests report FAIL,
view the details in the appropriate file
in the $PLT_HOME/log directory.
After you correct the problem,
rerun the entire Balanced load tests suite,
not just the test that failed.
Tests that were not part of the test run
are marked NOT TESTED.
The log files may contain status messages
that do not indicate failures in the tests.
The tests write a timestamp to the
$PLT_HOME/log/sleepy file
once every five minutes.
Should the test suite fail,
or should the system hang or panic,
subtracting the first timestamp from the last timestamp
will provide the elapsed time the tests ran.
The last timestamp in this file
determines the date and time at which there was a failure.
Test groups
These test suites contain
several tests groups, described below.
A log file is created for each test group
in the $PLT_HOME/log directory.
Creates a very large working set of memory pages
and randomly accesses them.
These tests autoscale to handle
large and small memory configurations appropriately.
Tests the floating point calculations by using the
sin( ),
exp( ),
log( ),
atan( ),
cos( )
The test suite determines the number of configured CPUs
and forks at least one test per CPU,
but relies on the operating system to force execution
on all configured CPUs.
Writes large and small files in different modes,
creates and deletes files and links,
executes various filesystem operations
to exercise the hardware.
The individual tests that are executed
are in the $PLT_HOME/disktests directory.
For SVR5, additional disk tests
are provided in the
test suites.
For SCO OpenServer 5, additional disk tests
are provided in the
test suites.
No additional disk tests are available for
A continuous format and
loop is executed to the floppy disk.
commands are executed
to exercise the CD-ROM subsystem.
For SVR5, additional CD-ROM tests
are provided in the
test suites.
For SCO OpenServer 5, additional CD-ROM tests
are provided in the
test suites.
No additional CD-ROM tests are available for
Three graphics tests are provided,
which can be run individually:
Displays a wire frame rotating icosahdron.
The test ensures that the client refreshes its contents
and redraws the image correctly
under a variety of conditions.
Runs the standard X Window performance benchmarks
and reports statistics on server performance.
Note that the x11perf test
does not currently run well under SVR5 and SCO OpenServer 5,
although it does not cause any harm.
test is best run under the
test harness on SVR5 and SCO OpenServer 5.
These and other test suites
for the graphical subsystem are provided
as part of the xtests package
for SVR5 and SCO OpenServer 5;
we recommend running these tests directly
rather than as part of the plt tests
on these platforms.
An automated X11 demo
that repeatedly creates and solves a random maze.
The graphics tests are part of
the AIX 5L Balanced Load Tests
but must be manually selected
for SVR5 and SCO OpenServer 5.
Continuously executes ftp commands.
The individual tests that are executed
are in the $PLT_HOME/net directory.
For SVR5, additional network card tests
are provided in the
test suites.
For SCO OpenServer 5, additional network card tests
are provided in the
test suites.
No additional network card tests are available for
Note that the network test suite is not currently included
in the set of required tests
executed for Balanced load tests,
so you will need to request it separately.
Runs sar reports and logs the results.
This along with the sleepy script
are ``watchdogs'' that track activity
and can be used to identify when a test failed.
Version applicability
These tests are supported for all releases of
SVR5, AIX 5L, and SCO OpenServer 5.
They have also been ported to Linux-32 and Linux-64
although they are not yet productized for Linux platforms.
plt uses common source for all platforms.
Differences between versions
Earlier versions of the plt suite
were provided for SCO OpenServer 5 as
and for SVR5 as
Those versions are obsoleted for all releases
of all SCO operating systems by this plt.
The major new features for the plt suites are:
Ability to specify how long to run the tests,
rather than having them run continuously until
they are manually stopped.
Autoscaling to handle large memory and disk configurations.
The test output is written to xterm windows
rather than to virtual terminals or multiscreens
as used for earlier versions of the tests.
Addition of tests for the graphics subsystem.
Common source code for tests on all platforms.
Logging of sar data during the test run.
Watchdog processes run every five minutes
rather than every minute as in earlier versions.
The pltanalyze command produces a summary
of the each test run at the end of the run
or can be run manually.
This quickly identifies any test failures,
which can then be analyzed by studing the appropriate
log files.
All log and summary files from a plt run
are moved to a logs.<n> directory
when a subsequent plt run is executed.
This enables you to compare successive runs of the test suites.
The files and directories listed
with a relative pathname
are created under the plt's home directory,
referred to as $PLT_HOME:
/home/plt directory-
SVR5, SCO OpenServer 5, and Linux
Note that there is no actual plt user.
The test script.
This can be run only as ``root''.
Script to print
summary of test results.
This script gives a quick view of whether
the tests succeeded or failed.
Contains timestamps.
The data and time is written to this file
once every five minutes while the tests are running.
Bulletin that must be completed
and sent to your authorized SCO or IBM representative
to begin the process of getting
your system or driver listed in the
Compatible Hardware Web Pages (CHWP).
Log files generated by the
most recent run of the plt tests.
Log files and TEST_RESULT files
from previous plt runs.
<n> is an incrementing number.
CD-ROM test scripts.
CPU tests.
Disk subsystem tests.
This is the front-end script that runs
the individual tests in the disktests directory.
Individual tests run to exercise the disk subsystem.
Floppy tests.
Individual tests run to exercise the graphics subsystem.
Memory subsystem tests.
Individual tests run to exercise the networking subsystem.
Nework subsystem tests.
This is the front-end script that runs
the individual tests in the net directory.
Watchdog script that writes the
sar output every five minutes.
Watchdog script that writes the
time and datestamp every five minutes.
Contains information about the most recent execution
of the plt tests.
Information recorded includes
the time the test run started and stopped,
the duration of the run, the tests that were run,
and the pltanalyze output.
Each successive plt run
moves this file and the contents of the log directory
into a new logs.<n> directory
so that each test run begins with empty directories
and yet the results of previous test runs is available
for comparison.
The output of the most recent pltanalyze execution
along with other information about the test run
is stored in the $PLT_HOME/TEST_RESULTS file.
An example of this file for SCO OpenServer 5 follows;
similar output is provided on SVR5 and AIX 5L.
SCO Platform Load Tests 8.8 on OSR5 started at Tue Jan 23 15:01:50 PST 2001
SCO_SV rafiki 3.2 5.0.6 i386
Starting Disk Load Tests: /home/plt/tests/disk OSR5 gentle
Starting Floppy Load Tests: /home/plt/tests/floppy OSR5
Starting CPU Load Test 1: /home/plt/tests/cpu gentle
Starting CD-ROM Load Tests: /home/plt/tests/cdrom OSR5
Starting Memory Load Tests: /home/plt/tests/memory -a 30 -m 133697536
SCO Platform Load Tests ended at Tue Jan 23 15:02:50 PST 2001
Test duration was 60 seconds
cdrom test: SUCCESS
cpu test: SUCCESS
disk test: SUCCESS
floppy test: SUCCESS
memory test: SUCCESS
network test: NOT TESTED
graphics test: NOT TESTED
If you ran this test for SCO Certification, fill out
the /home/plt/doc/bulletin file, and email it to your SCO
representative, along with the /home/plt/send_me_to_sco.uue
19 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenServer 6 and UnixWare (SVR5) HDK - June 2005