
sdimkdtab -- update the device table entries for the SDI subsystem


/sbin/sdimkdtab [-fi] [-d filename]


sdimkdtab(1M) reads the Equipped Device Table (EDT) built by the SDI drivers and updates the device table entries in the /etc/ file for any tape and SCSI controllers that are present on the system. For the first 16 slices, the device table entries are created from template files because the entries are unique for each device type. The location of the template files is specified in a target controller index file, which can be supplied as a command-line argument. When more than 16 slices are used, device nodes are created for each additional slice in use. These device nodes are created from the VTOC rather than from the template files.

sdimkdtab keeps a record of the EDT from invocation to invocation in the /etc/scsi/sdi_edt file. If the EDT obtained by sdimkdtab during execution is identical to the one in /etc/scsi/sdi_edt, no action is taken and sdimkdtab exits. If the EDT has changed since the last invocation of either sdimkdev or sdimkdtab, sdimkdtab updates the device table entries for every device in the EDT.


sdimkdtab takes the following options:

Forces sdimkdtab to run at a time other than from init(1M). sdimkdtab is designed to be run from init; to force its execution at any other time, you must use the -f option.

Forces sdimkdtab to ignore the existing record of this machine's configuration in /etc/scsi/sdi_edt and update /etc/, as if a new device had been added to the system.

-d filename
Use filename instead of /etc/scsi/tc.index to determine which template file to use for each device.


When sdimkdtab is run immediately after sdimkdev, it must be run with the -i option or no updates will take place, because the EDT in /etc/scsi/sdi_edt will be the one created by sdimkdev and will be up-to-date.



Return values

On success, sdimkdtab exits with a return code of zero when it detects new devices on the system. If there are no new devices since the last time either sdimkdev or sdimkdtab was executed, it exits with a positive return code. If an error is detected, it exits with a negative return code.


init(1M), modadmin(1M), sdighost(1M), sdimkdev(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004