Select values of an item are either TRUE (selected) or FALSE (not selected). Function set_item_value sets the select value of an item, while item_value returns it.
int set_item_value (item, value) ITEMFunction set_item_value fails if given an item that is not selectable (the O_SELECTABLE option was previously turned off) or the item is connected to a single-valued menu (connecting items to menus is described in ``Creating and freeing menus''). If successful, set_item_value returns E_OK. Otherwise, one of the following is returned.item; int value;
int item_value (item) ITEM
You might want to place the code in ``Using item_value in menu processing'' after your user responds to a menu. Function process_menu determines which items have been selected, processes them appropriately, and marks them as unselected to prepare for further user response.
void process_menu (m) /* process multi-valued menu */ MENU * m; { ITEM ** i = menu_items (m); while (*i) { { if (item_value (*i)) { {/* take action appropriate for selection of this item */
set_item_value (*i, FALSE); } ++i; } }
Using item_value in menu processing