If you specify the -x option to lprof, the source listing output will highlight lines that have not been executed. Lines that have been executed will be marked only by line numbers. Executable lines that have not been executed will be marked with a line number preceded by a [U].
``Example of lprof -x Output'' shows an example of output produced with the -x option.
SOURCE FILE: sample.c#include <stdio.h>
main() [4] { /
declarations are not executable lines and therefore have no line number or execution status associated with them
/ int i;
[10] for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) [11] sub1();
[13] }
sub1() [16] { /
this initialization is an executable statement
/ [18] int i = 0;
[20] if (i > 0) { [U] [21] sub2(); } else { [24] sub3(); } [26] }
sub2() [U] [29] { /
do nothing
/ [U] [31] }
sub3() [34] { /
do nothing
/ [36] }
Example of lprof -x Output