To ``browse'' shared resources means to determine what resources are
available from remote systems. DFS Administration provides the
dfshares command, which displays information about the
NFS resources that are available from network servers. The
syntax of the dfshares command is:
dfshares [-F fstype] -h] -o fs_options] [server ...]
See dfshares(1nfs) for an explanation of the options accepted by the dfshares command.
To display resources on an NFS server, you can enter a system name for the server option, which specifies a system on the network.
When you enter the command, your system displays output consisting of the
resource server access transport description
where resource is the shared resource name; server is the system from which the resource is available; access refers to the access granted to client systems -- either read/write or read-only; transport is the transport provider over which communication is carried, such as TCP; and description is a description of the resource provided by an administrator when the resource was shared.
For NFS resources, the command cannot determine the access rights granted to client systems or the transport provider; therefore, the access and transport fields are filled with hyphens (-) when dfshares displays a list of NFS resources. The description field does not appear at all in a display of NFS resources.
If you enter the dfshares command without arguments, the system displays all resources currently shared on your system.
For an illustration of how to browse shared resources, refer to ``Example: browsing shared resources''.
You want to browse NFS resources on a server called ``main.''
You do not want the display to include a header. Type the following:
dfshares -F nfs -h main
The system displays the following output:
main:/export main - - main:/usr/man main - - main:/usr/share main - -