Physically insert the NIC into the slot, and connect the cable.
Lock the interlock for the slot (if it has one).
The Hot Plug Manager displays an locked interlock indicator
(closed padlock).
Select the slot that contains the new NIC
(click on the slot icon).
Turn power on for the slot.
``Turning slot power on''.
If the NIC fails to initialize properly
the slot automatically powers-off.
Choose one of the following:
If you are replacing a NIC using the failover technique,
go to the next step of the procedure in
``Failing over a NIC''.
If you added a new NIC, the
Hot Plug Manager automatically launches the
Network Configuration Manager
so you can finish configuring it.
``Configuring network hardware''
and follow the instructions for configuring adapters in
PCI, EISA and MCA machines.