SCSI host adapter drivers should use the BTLD conventions. Some general hints and tips for producing a BTLD host adapter driver include:
auto Sdsk 0 0 0 0 0 auto Stp 0 2 0 0 0 auto Srom 0 5 0 0 0``auto'' is a special word; the line provides information about possible non-configured SCSI host adapter drivers. It is used to allocate space for, at most, a single non-configured SCSI host adapter driver. There may be several ``auto'' lines, but each line must correspond to a different permitted peripheral driver.
Host adapter drivers, as is the case with all drivers, are given a handler prefix which is stored in column 4 of the mdevice file. You should not create a SCSI host adapter driver with a handler prefix of ``auto'', because it would conflict with the ``auto'' word in the mscsi file.
fd(64)unix root=hd(40) swap=hd(41) disable=hfboots from the floppy device, disabling the hf SCSI host adapter driver.