You can install a package in non-interactive mode. This means that no responses to installation scripts are necessary, or are handled in a response file. This installation mode is commonly used for unattended installations across a network.
To install a package or set in non-interactive mode:
where the -n option requests non-interactive mode, the -d device option specifies the name of the device (or the full pathname of a directory) on which the package or set currently resides, the -r response option specifies the full pathname of a response file, the -a admin option specifies an admin file, and pkginst is the package identifier or SIP of the package to be installed.
For example, to install mypkg in non-interactive mode,
supplying a response file named myresponse, enter
the following command:
pkgadd -d diskette1 -n -r /pkgA/myresponse mypkg
For information on additional command-line options, see the pkgadd(1M) manual page.
If pkginst is a package identifier (not a SIP) and -r names a specific response file, you can install only one package at a time.
However, you can install multiple packages with one command
using the -r option to specify the name of
a directory that holds several response files
corresponding to the packages you want to install.
Each response file must be given the same name
as the package to which it corresponds. For example, if
you enter the following command:
pkgadd -d device -n -r response_dir pkgA pkgB pkgC
pkgadd(1M) will use response_dir/pkgA, response_dir/pkgB, and response_dir/pkgC to install pkgA, pkgB, and pkgC, respectively.