Suggestions for managing storage devices
How much time you spend overseeing the storage devices on your system
depends on the number of users on your system and how they use system resources.
A large user community and many resources require a lot of care and feeding.
Here are a few suggestions for managing storage devices:
If resources are depleted in either the /tmp
or /var/tmp directory (but not both),
have users distribute temporary files more evenly to both directories.
(To do this, define the TMPDIR environment variable
in the user's profile as TMPDIR=/tmp or
When assigning a device for mounting user filesystems
(such as /home, /home2,
/home3, and so on) on a multi-disk computer,
assign it to a secondary drive to facilitate backups and restores.
Distributing high-access filesystems on different disks can
also enhance system performance.
When copying large files, the value of ulimit
may need to be changed to a number as large as or larger than
the character count of the largest file
(ulimit=number where number is
larger than the character count of the file as determined with
ls -l filename).
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Displaying information about devices
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Managing mass storage devices and media
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 22 April 2004