X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


bdftopcf -- convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format


bdftopcf [-p#] [-u#] [-m] [-l] [-M] [-L] [-t] [-i] [-obdf file]


bdftopcf reads a Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) font from the specified file (or from standard input if no file is specified) and writes and X11 Portable Compiled Format (PCF) font to standard output.

PCF fonts can be read by any architecture, although the file is structured to allow one particular architecture to read them directly without reformatting. This allows fast reading on the appropriate machine, but the files are still portable (but read more slowly) on other machines.


inhibits the normal computation of ink metrics. When a font has glyph images that do not fill the bitmap image (that is, the ``on'' pixels do not extend to the edges of the metrics), bdftopcf computes the actual ink metrics and places them in the .pcf file; the -t option inhibits this behavior.

sets the font bit order to least significant bit first. The leftmost bit on the screen will be in the lowest valued bit in each unit.

sets the font byte order to least significant byte first. All multi-byte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and so forth) will be written least significant byte first.

sets the font bit order to most significant bit first. Bits for each glyph will be placed in this order; that is, the leftmost bit on the screen will be in the highest valued bit in each unit.

sets the font byte order most significant byte first. All multi-byte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and so forth) will be written most significant byte first.

sets the font glyph padding. Each glyph in the font will have each scanline padded into a multiple of # bytes, where # is 1, 2, 4, or 8.

converts fonts into ``terminal'' fonts when possible. A terminal font has each glyph image padded to the same size; the X server can usually render these types of fonts more quickly.

sets the font scanline unit. When the font bit order is different from the font byte order, the scanline unit # describes what unit of data (in bytes) are to be swapped; the unit # can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes.

-o bdf file
specifies the BDF font filename that should be compiled to a PCF font. If a filename is not specified, standard input is read.


fstobdf(X1M), snftobdf(X1M), X(X1M)

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004