isdnB1config --
ISDN physical layer and framing parameters configuration structure
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/scoisdn.h>
typedef struct isdnBproto {
struct isdnB1config {
isdnWord_t rate;
isdnWord_t dataBits;
isdnWord_t parity;
isdnWord_t stopBits;
} B1config;
} isdnBproto_t;
The isdnB1config structure offers offers additional
configuration information for the B1 protocol specified in
The complete B-channel protocol information is defined by
These parameters have different meanings and default values
depending on the selected B1 protocol:
B1 protocol 0: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 1: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 2: -
the maximum bit rate, coded as an unsigned integer value.
Default: adaptive.
B1 protocol 3: -
the maximum bit rate, coded as an unsigned integer value.
Default: 56 Kbps.
B1 protocol 4: -
the maximum bit rate, coded as an unsigned integer value.
Default: adaptive.
B1 protocol 5: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 6: -
not applicable
(bits per character/transmit level)-
B1 protocol 0: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 1: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 2: -
bits per character, coded as an unsigned integer value.
Default: 8.
B1 protocol 3: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 4: -
the level is coded as a signed integer specifying dB's. If this
parameter or its value is not supported by the ISDN
controller, it is ignored.
B1 protocol 5: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 6: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 0: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 1: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 2: -
0 = none, 1 = odd, 2 = even. Default: no parity.
B1 protocol 3: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 4: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 5: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 6: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 0: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 1: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 2: -
0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 2 stop bits. Default: 1 stop bit.
B1 protocol 3: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 4: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 5: -
not applicable
B1 protocol 6: -
not applicable
``SCO ISDN adapter drivers'' in Developing MDI network adapter drivers.
19 June 2005
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenServer 6 and UnixWare (SVR5) HDK - June 2005