expression := { expression or expression } := { expression and expression } := { not expression } := { present attribute } := { attribute filterOperation value} filterOperation := eq := le := ge := subset := superset := intersectThe filter operations used in a filter expression must be valid for the attribute on which they are used. This is determined by the class definition.
The elements of the response are as follows:
ObjectCreate {sco user} johnp {{comment {John Q. Public}}}ObjectGet {sco user} johnp {loginGroup}
ObjectGet -filter {{uid le 1000} and {not {shell eq ksh}}} {sco user} {fredp johnp lisap walterp} {groups}
ObjectAdd {sco user} johnp {{groups {104 203 165}}}
ObjectAction {sco user} johnp createHome {0755}
ObjectDelete {sco user} johnp