
menu_driver -- command processor for the menus subsystem


cc [flag . . .] file -lmenu -locurses [library . . .]

#include <menu.h>

int menu_driver(MENU *menu, int c);


menu_driver is the workhorse of the menus subsystem. It checks to determine whether the character c is a menu request or data. If c is a request, the menu driver executes the request and reports the result. If c is data (a printable ASCII character), it enters the data into the pattern buffer and tries to find a matching item. If no match is found, the menu driver deletes the character from the pattern buffer and returns E_NO_MATCH. If the character is not recognized, the menu driver assumes it is an application-defined command and returns E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND.

Menu driver requests:

REQ_LEFT_ITEM Move left to an item.
REQ_RIGHT_ITEM Move right to an item.
REQ_UP_ITEM Move up to an item.
REQ_DOWN_ITEM Move down to an item.
REQ_SCR_ULINE Scroll up a line.
REQ_SCR_DLINE Scroll down a line.
REQ_SCR_DPAGE Scroll up a page.
REQ_SCR_UPAGE Scroll down a page.
REQ_FIRST_ITEM Move to the first item.
REQ_LAST_ITEM Move to the last item.
REQ_NEXT_ITEM Move to the next item.
REQ_PREV_ITEM Move to the previous item.
REQ_TOGGLE_ITEM Select/de-select an item.
REQ_CLEAR_PATTERN Clear the menu pattern buffer.
REQ_BACK_PATTERN Delete the previous character from pattern buffer.
REQ_NEXT_MATCH Move the next matching item.
REQ_PREV_MATCH Move to the previous matching item.

 REQ_LEFT_ITEM       Move left to an item.
 REQ_RIGHT_ITEM      Move right to an item.
 REQ_UP_ITEM         Move up to an item.
 REQ_DOWN_ITEM       Move down to an item.
 REQ_SCR_ULINE       Scroll up a line.
 REQ_SCR_DLINE       Scroll down a line.
 REQ_SCR_DPAGE       Scroll up a page.
 REQ_SCR_UPAGE       Scroll down a page.
 REQ_FIRST_ITEM      Move to the first item.
 REQ_LAST_ITEM       Move to the last item.
 REQ_NEXT_ITEM       Move to the next item.
 REQ_PREV_ITEM       Move to the previous item.
 REQ_TOGGLE_ITEM     Select/de-select an item.
 REQ_CLEAR_PATTERN   Clear the menu pattern buffer.
 REQ_BACK_PATTERN    Delete the previous character from pattern buffer.
 REQ_NEXT_MATCH      Move the next matching item.
 REQ_PREV_MATCH      Move to the previous matching item.

<Return> value

menu_driver returns one of the following:

E_OK - The routine returned successfully.
E_SYSTEM_ERROR - System error.
E_BAD_ARGUMENT - An incorrect argument was passed to the routine.
E_BAD_STATE - The routine was called from an initialization or termination function.
E_NOT_POSTED - The menu has not been posted.


E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND - An unknown request was passed to the menu driver.
E_NO_MATCH - The character failed to match.
E_NOT_SELECTABLE - The item cannot be selected.
E_REQUEST_DENIED - The menu driver could not process the request.

 E_OK                -   The routine returned successfully.
 E_SYSTEM_ERROR      -   System error.
 E_BAD_ARGUMENT      -   An incorrect argument was passed to the routine.
 E_BAD_STATE         -   The routine was called from an initialization or
                         termination function.
 E_NOT_POSTED        -   The menu has not been posted.
 E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND   -   An unknown request was passed to the menu
 E_NO_MATCH          -   The character failed to match.
 E_NOT_SELECTABLE    -   The item cannot be selected.
 E_REQUEST_DENIED    -   The menu driver could not process the request.


Application defined commands should be defined relative to (greater than) MAX_COMMAND, the maximum value of a request listed above.

The header file menu.h automatically includes the header files eti.h and ocurses.h.


curses(3ocurses), menus(3ocurses)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004