cc [flag . . . ] file . . . -lgen [library] . . .compile- compile regular expression#include <regexpr.h>
char *compile (const char *instring, char *expbuf, char *endbuf);
int step (const char *string, char *expbuf);
int advance (const char *string, char *expbuf);
extern char *loc1, *loc2, *locs;
extern int nbra, regerrno, reglength;
extern char *braslist[], *braelist[];
step- find string in regular expression
advance- find string in regular expression
loc1- first char of match in regular expression
loc2- first char after match in regular expression
locs- used to stop regular expression matching in a string
nbra- number of subexpressions in regular expression
regerrno- regular expression compile error number
reglength- length of compiled regular expression
braslist- subexpressions in regular expression
braelist- subexpressions in regular expression
The syntax of the compile routine is as follows:
compile (instring, expbuf, endbuf)
The parameter instring is a null-terminated string representing the regular expression.
The parameter expbuf points to the place where the compiled regular expression is to be placed. If expbuf is NULL, compile uses malloc to allocate the space for the compiled regular expression. If an error occurs, this space is freed. It is the user's responsibility to free unneeded space after the compiled regular expression is no longer needed.
The parameter endbuf is one more than the highest address where the compiled regular expression may be placed. This argument is ignored if expbuf is NULL. If the compiled expression cannot fit in (endbuf-expbuf) bytes, compile returns NULL and regerrno (see below) is set to 50.
If compile succeeds, it returns a non-NULL pointer whose value depends on expbuf. If expbuf is non-NULL, compile returns a pointer to the byte after the last byte in the compiled regular expression. The length of the compiled regular expression is stored in reglength. Otherwise, compile returns a pointer to the space allocated by malloc.
If an error is detected when compiling the regular expression, a NULL pointer is returned from compile and regerrno is set to one of the non-zero error numbers indicated below:
11 | Range endpoint too large. |
16 | Bad number. |
25 | ``\digit'' out of range. |
36 | Illegal or missing delimiter. |
41 | No remembered search string. |
42 | \( \) imbalance. |
43 | Too many \(. |
44 | More than 2 numbers given in \{ \}. |
45 | } expected after \. |
46 | First number exceeds second in \{ \}. |
49 | [ ] imbalance. |
50 | Regular expression overflow. |
The call to step is as follows:
step (string, expbuf)
The first parameter to step is a pointer to a string of characters to be checked for a match. This string should be null-terminated.
The parameter expbuf is the compiled regular expression obtained by a call of the function compile.
The function step returns non-zero if the given string matches the regular expression, and zero if the expressions do not match. If there is a match, two external character pointers are set as a side effect to the call to step. The variable set in step is loc1. loc1 is a pointer to the first character that matched the regular expression. The variable loc2 points to the character after the last character that matches the regular expression. Thus if the regular expression matches the entire line, loc1 points to the first character of string and loc2 points to the null at the end of string.
The purpose of step is to step through the string argument until a match is found or until the end of string is reached. If the regular expression begins with ``^'', step tries to match the regular expression at the beginning of the string only.
The function advance has the same arguments and side effects as step, but it always restricts matches to the beginning of the string.
If one is looking for successive matches in the same string
of characters, locs should be set equal to loc2,
and step should be called with
string equal to loc2.
locs is used by commands like
so that global substitutions like
do not loop forever, and
is NULL by default.
The external variable nbra is used to determine the number of subexpressions in the compiled regular expression. braslist and braelist are arrays of character pointers that point to the start and end of the nbra subexpressions in the matched string. For example, after calling step or advance with string sabcdefg and regular expression \(abcdef\), braslist[0] will point at a and braelist[0] will point at g. These arrays are used by commands like ed and sed for substitute replacement patterns that contain the \n notation for subexpressions.
Note that it isn't necessary to use the external variables regerrno, nbra, loc1, loc2 locs, braelist, and braslist if one is only checking whether or not a string matches a regular expression.
#include <regexpr.h>. . . if(compile(
argv, (char
)0, (char
)0) == (char
)0) regerr(regerrno); . . . if (step(linebuf, expbuf)) succeed();