To force a name-only search, precede the name with a period; to force a handle-only search, precede the handle with an exclamation point.
To search for a group or
organization entry, precede the argument with ``'' (an asterisk).
The entire membership list of the group
will be displayed with the record.
You can use an exclamation point and asterisk, or a period and asterisk together.
Note that Domain Name Services needs to be configured on the system, at least as a client, before whois can be used, so that the Internet domain name nic.ddn.mil can be resolved.
The command whois !SRI-NIC looks for the handle SRI-NIC only.
The command whois .Smith, John looks for the name JOHN SMITH only.
Adding ``. . .'' to the name or handle argument will match anything from that point; that is, ZU . . . will match ZUL, ZUM, and so on.