
eels_db_admin -- perform administrative functions on an EELS database


eels_db_admin [-t level] -c database table description creator

eels_db_admin [-t level] -d database [table]

eels_db_admin [-t level] -p database_table

eels_db_admin [-t level] -l [database]

eels_db_admin [-t level] -a

eels_db_admin [-t level] -x perm add user user perms

eels_db_admin [-t level] -x perm add db user database perms

eels_db_admin [-t level] -x perm delete user user

eels_db_admin [-t level] -x perm delete db user database

eels_db_admin [-t level] -x perm get user [user]

eels_db_admin [-t level] -x perm get db [user [database]]


Use eels_db_admin to add and delete databases, purge records from a database, and get information about tables and databases that exist in EELS.


-t level
Print debugging information. Valid debugging levels are ``1'' for minimal logging to ``4'' for full logging.

-c database table description creator
Create a database specifying values for the database name, database table name, description and creator.

-d database [table]
Delete a database or table. If it is a database that is to be deleted no table name need be given.

NOTE: Before you can delete a database, you must first delete any tables contained in the database.

-p database_table
Purge all records in the database table specified in database_table.

-l [database]
List all configured EELS databases. If a database name is specified, this command lists the tables within that database.

List all information about all configured EELS databases, and the tables within those databases.

-x extended_command
Execute an extended command to modify the access privileges of one or more users of the EELS database. The extended commands are described in detail below.

Extended commands

The extended commands enable you to assign one or more access privileges to an EELS user. The privelleges you can assign using these commands are:

Abbreviation Privilege Description
S Select Privilege Grants the user permission to query records from the database table using an SQL select string.
I Insert Privilege Grants the user permission to insert records into a database table.
P Delete Privilege Grants the user permission to delete records from a database table via the SQL delete command. It also enables users to delete records using the -p option of eels_db_admin.
C Create Privilege Grants the user permission to create a table within a database.
D Drop Privilege Grants the user permission to delete database tables.

 |Abbreviation | Privilege        | Description                 |
 |S            | Select Privilege | Grants the user permission  |
 |             |                  | to query records from the   |
 |             |                  | database table using an SQL |
 |             |                  | select string.              |
 |I            | Insert Privilege | Grants the user permission  |
 |             |                  | to insert records into a    |
 |             |                  | database table.             |
 |P            | Delete Privilege | Grants the user permission  |
 |             |                  | to delete records from a    |
 |             |                  | database table via the SQL  |
 |             |                  | delete command.  It also    |
 |             |                  | enables users to delete     |
 |             |                  | records using the -p option |
 |             |                  | of eels_db_admin.           |
 |C            | Create Privilege | Grants the user permission  |
 |             |                  | to create a table within a  |
 |             |                  | database.                   |
 |D            | Drop Privilege   | Grants the user permission  |
 |             |                  | to delete database tables.  |
The extended commands are listed below:

perm add user user perms
Grant the specified UNIX user the global privileges listed in perms.

perm add db user database perms
Grant the specified UNIX user (UID) the privileges listed in perms but only for the database named in database.

perm delete user user
Remove the specified UNIX user's global privileges.

perm delete db user database
Remove the specified UNIX user's privileges for the database name in database.

perm get user user
List the specified UNIX user's global privileges. If user is not specified, eels_db_admin returns a list of all users and their global privileges.

perm get db user database
List the specified UNIX user's privileges for the database named in database. If user is not specified, eels_db_admin returns a list of all users and their privileges for the specified database. If no database is specified, eels_db_admin returns a list of all the privileges the user has on all the EELS databases currently in use.

NOTE: Whenever you change the privileges of a user you must restart EELS before the changes will take effect.


The following example purges the contents of the ``events'' table in a database called ``httpd_db''.

eels_db_admin -p httpd_db events

The following example lists all configured EELS databases.

eels_db_admin -l

The resulting output from this command is shown below.

| DatabaseName | Description           | Creator              | DateCreated                |
| defaultdb    | Default EELS Database | System Administrator | Wed Sep  2 07:44:43 1998   |
| httpd_db     | httpd database        | Talis                | Wed Sep  2 08:01:31 1998   |
The following example assigns ``Select'', ``Insert'' and ``Delete'' privileges to user ``neil'' for the EELS database ``defaultdb''.

eels_db_admin -x perm add db neil defaultdb SIP


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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004