
volcopy_ufs -- make a literal copy of a ufs filesystem


volcopy [-F ufs] [generic_options] [current_options]
fsname srcdevice volname1 destdevice volname2


generic_options are options supported by the generic volcopy command. current_options are options supported by the s5-specific module of volcopy.

volcopy makes a literal copy of the ufs filesystem using a blocksize matched to the device.

ufs-specific options

-F ufs
Specify the ufs FSType. If -F ufs is not specified heuristics similiar to those used by fstyp(1M) are used to determine the file system type.

NOTE: This command executes faster if it is not required to autodetect file system types. If possible, specify the -F ufs.

Invoke a verification sequence requiring a positive operator response instead of the standard 10-second delay before the copy is made.

Assume a yes response to all questions.

Other options are used with both 9-track and cartridge tapes (cartridge tapes are treated as if they were 9-track tapes.)

bits per inch

size of reel in feet

beginning reel number for a restarted copy

use double buffered I/O

process until the end of tape, then ask for the next tape in sequence.

If the -e option is not selected, the program requests length and density information if this is not given on the command line or if it is not recorded on an input tape label. If the filesystem is too large to fit on one reel, volcopy prompts for additional reels. Labels of all reels are checked. Tapes may be mounted alternately on two or more drives. If volcopy is interrupted, it asks if the user wants to quit or wants to escape to the command interpreter. In the latter case, the user can perform other operations (such as labelit) and return to volcopy by exiting the command interpreter.

NOTE: The -e and -feet options are mutually exclusive.

The fsname argument represents the mounted name (for example, ``root'', ``usr'', and so on) of the filesystem being copied.

The srcdevice or destdevice should be the disk partition or tape. For example, /dev/rdsk/* or /dev/rmt/*, where the value of ``*'' is machine specific.

The volname is the physical volume name. Such label names contain up to six characters. volname may be ``-'' to use the existing volume name.

srcdevice and volname1 are the device and volume from which the copy of the filesystem is being extracted. destdevice and volname2 are the target device and volume.

fsname and volname are recorded in the superblock.


a record of filesystems/volumes copied


cpio(1), dd(1M), fs_ufs(4), fstyp(1M), generic labelit(1M), generic volcopy(1M)


volcopy does not support tape-to-tape copying. Use dd(1M) for tape-to-tape copying.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004