
dcu -- Device Configuration Utility


dcu [-C | -S]


The Device Configuration Utility (DCU) allows you to:

The dcu command provides a menu interface for you to view or change the hardware configuration information. On-line help for this interface is available by pressing the <F1> function key. Navigation and choice information is provided at the bottom of each DCU screen.

The DCU can also be invoked from the UnixWare Desktop by selecting Hardware_Setup from the Admin Tools window and, when prompted, entering the password for root.

The major DCU options (available on the DCU main menu) are:

Hardware Device Configuration
This option lets you view the hardware devices that are configured on your system and modify the device driver parameters to match the hardware device parameters.

In most cases, the operating system automatically detects the hardware devices that are attached to your system and lists each hardware component. However, some hardware cannot be detected automatically; for example, some hardware devices are manually configured and do not have software setup utilities that define the hardware parameter settings to your system NVRAM (non-volatile random access memory). For such hardware, you need to use the Software Device Drivers option to define a new hardware device instance for the appropriate device driver.

For additional board-specific information, from the Hardware Device Configuration menu, use the <TAB> or arrow keys to highlight the particular hardware device and then press the <F6> key.

Software Device Drivers
This option lets you view device drivers configured on your system and to assign hardware devices to device drivers.

Apply Changes and Exit DCU
This option lets you save the changes you selected through the Hardware Device Configuration or Software Device Driver windows. The changes requested through the DCU do not take effect until you select this option.

NOTE: Changes made to most auto-configurable drivers supplied with UnixWare will take effect the next time the driver is loaded. Changes made to any other drivers might not take effect until the kernel is rebuilt with the idbuild(1M) command.

Exit DCU and Cancel Changes
This option lets you exit the DCU without applying any of the changes you selected through the Hardware Device Configuration or Software Device Drivers menus. If you select this option, all the changes requested using the DCU are lost and do not take effect.
The DCU allows you to view or change the device driver settings for your hardware devices. If you need to change the hardware parameters for a hardware device, first shut down your system. Then, change the jumper pins or run the configuration utility provided with the hardware. When the system reboots, invoke the DCU and define the new hardware parameter settings to the appropriate device driver.


Checks the hardware configuration for conflicts. A report, in the full-screen style of the interactive DCU, is displayed for each conflict detected. The dcu -C command exits with an exit code of 3 when conflicts are found.

silently maps UNKOWN entries in the resmgr database to the appropriate device drivers. It does so by comparing the board ID parameter and board bus type parameter of the UNKNOWN entry to the information in each device driver's /etc/conf/drvmap.d file. When a match is found, the entry is mapped to that device driver. A resmgr entry is considered UNKNOWN when no device driver has yet been mapped to it.

Environment variables

The DCU uses the following environment variables:

The directory where UnixWare is installed; the default is /.

The location of the dcu scripts; the default is ${ROOT}/etc/dcu.d.

The internationalization language; the default is C.

The terminal type; the default is at386.

The location for the terminfo(4) file; the default is ${ROOT}/usr/share/lib/terminfo.






Exit codes

The dcu command exits with one of the following values:


Failure. The DCU was unable to access the /dev/resmgr file.

Failure. The terminfo type is not supported.

Failure. Option requires an argument or illegal option given.

Failure. A hardware conflict was detected.

Failure. The idconfupdate command failed.

Failure. The idbuild -n command failed to create the loadable module.


Do not modify the /stand/resmgr file. Use the dcu command to make any changes to the system resource database. The system might not function or boot if the /stand/resmgr file is corrupted.




To deactivate a non-SCSI tape device, the following procedure will deactivate the ictha device driver:

  1. Enter dcu to invoke the DCU.

  2. When prompted, enter the root password. The DCU main menu is displayed.

  3. Select Hardware Device Configuration.

  4. Navigate to the line corresponding to the device driver you want to deconfigure.

  5. Type ``N'' in the first column (or press the <F2> key to toggle to ``N'').

  6. Press the <F10> key to return to the DCU main menu.

  7. Use the arrow keys to select Apply Changes and Exit DCU.

  8. Press the <Esc> key to apply the ictha device driver change and exit the DCU.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004