
g2++comp -- compile G2++ record definitions


   g2++comp file ...


g2++comp(1C++) reads G2++ record definitions and generates declarations and code needed by client programs to perform typed I/O (see typed_io(3C++)).

Specifically, for each file argument of the form stem.g, g2++comp(1C++) creates two new files, stem.h and stem.c (file arguments not ending in .g are ignored). For each record definition in stem.g (there may be more than one), three declarations are generated in stem.h:

       typedef type_specifier T;

istream& operator>>( istream& is, T& t); ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const T& t);

where T is the upper-case version of the corresponding record name in stem.g and type_specifier specifies a C++ type that is isomorphic to the record definition (it will be a structure if the record definition has any inner structure).

G2++ record definition language

Syntactically, a G2++ record definition is itself a G2++ record (see G2++(4C++) for the syntax of G2++ records; the terms given in italics below refer to metavariables defined there). It can be viewed as a template for a fully-populated instance of the corresponding G2++ data record in which (1) strings convey type information rather than data and (2) arrays have exactly one (index,value) pair that specifies the array's size and element type, respectively.

In a G2++ record definition, strings may take any of the following forms:


Correspond to types char, short, and long, respectively.


A String(3C++) with a given fixed maximum size given by the integer.


A String(3C++) with an arbitrary size.


A String(3C++) with an arbitrary size whose initial storage capacity is defined by the positive integer (this form is provided purely for efficiency reasons).


The name of any type defined earlier in the same .g file (another record type or a user-defined type - see below).

An array is specified by giving a single (index,value) pair, in which value can be any of the above forms and index may be any of the following:


A Vblock(G2++(3C++)) with a given fixed maximum size.


A Vblock(G2++(3C++)) with an arbitrary size.


A Vblock(G2++(3C++)) with an arbitrary size whose initial storage capacity is defined by the positive integer (this form is provided purely for efficiency reasons).

User-defined types

Any type V can appear in a G2++ record definition as long as it has an assignment operator. However, if V occurs as the type of an array element, it must also have a parameterless constructor. A user-defined type V is defined in the G2++ record definition language by writing a special G2++ record definition of the following form:

           V   USER

This must precede the first use of V as a typename in a record definition. Certain default assumptions about V will be made by g2++comp(1C++). These assumptions can be overridden by means of attributes (see below). In general, a USER type definition has the form:

           V   USER
                   .header H1
                       .header H2
                   .null   N
                   .isnull I
                   .put    P
                   .get    G

The attributes and their defaults are explained below:

.header H There may be zero or more header attributes. The value H is interpreted as the name of a header file. g2++comp(1C++) will generate an #include "H" directive for each attribute, in the same order as the attributes. As mentioned above, the default header filename is V.h. The remaining attributes are allowed to assume the existence of definitions exported by the transitive closure of header files named by header attributes.

.null N There may be zero or one null attributes. When translated in the context of the header file closure implied by header attributes, N must be a valid C++ expression of type V. Its value will be used as the "null" value for type V. If the null attribute is omitted, a parameterless constructor V() will be assumed to exist, and its value will be used as the "null" value.

.isnull I There may be zero or one isnull attributes. I is taken as the name of a function that indicates whether or not its argument is "null". Including an isnull attribute implies a contract that there exists, somewhere in the header file closure implied by header attributes, a declaration of the form:

       int I(const V& t);

This function is expected to return 1 if its argument is null, and 0 otherwise. If the isnull attribute is omitted, g2++comp(1C++) will generate code to explicitly test for equality with the "null" value defined by the null attribute; this means that omitting the isnull attribute implies a contract that there exists, somewhere in the header file closure implied by header attributes, the declaration of an equality operator for type V.

.put P There may be zero or one put attributes. P is taken as the name of a function that knows how to insert an external representation of type V into an output stream. Including a put attribute implies a contract that there exists, somewhere in the header file closure implied by header attributes, a declaration of the form

       ostream& P(ostream& os,const V& t);

P is expected to insert an external representation of t into stream os. To preserve the integrity of the G2 record, the external representation must not contain tabs, newlines, or nonprintable ASCII characters. If the put attribute is omitted, g2++comp(1C++) will call V::operator<< to do the insertion. This means that omitting the put attribute implies a contract that there exists, somewhere in the header file closure implied by header attributes, the declaration of an insertion operator for type V.

.get G There may be zero or one get attributes. G is taken as the name of a function that knows how to extract an external representation type V from an input stream. Including a get attribute implies a contract that there exists, somewhere in the header file closure implied by header attributes, a declaration of the form

       istream& G(istream& is,V& t);

G is expected to extract an external representation from stream is, construct an object of type V, and assign it to t. The function must extract only the characters constituting the external representation and leave the stream positioned so that the first character extracted by a subsequent extraction operation will be the first character following the external representation of type V. If G cannot construct an object of type V, it should assign a "null" value to t and clear the error bits (see ios(iostream(3C++)). If the get attribute is omitted, g2++comp(1C++) will call V::operator>> to do the extraction. This means that omitting the get attribute implies a contract that there exists, somewhere in the header file closure implied by header attributes, the declaration of an extraction operator for type V.


The following .g file defines a single record:

           Time    USER               a user-defined type
                   .header Time.h
                   .header Timeio.h
                   .null   Time::MIN
                   id      *          arbitrary size string
                   age     SHORT
                   b_day   Time       a Time
                           *       *  arbitrary size array of
                                      arbitrary size strings

To see what the header file generated by g2++comp(1C++) looks like, see typed_io(G2++(3C++)).


The G2++ record definition language is a strict superset of the G2 record definition language. This means that a G2++ program and a G2 program that use the same record definition cannot be told apart by purely external means. Any other behavior should be interpreted as a bug.


Do not mix .c and .h files produced by different compilations (doing so will cause a link error).


When compiling a G2++ record definition file containing multiple record definitions, certain legal G2++ definitions may create conflicting definitions in the generated C++ code. Here is an example:

           id        *
           name      *(20)

The problem is that both definitions generate a typedef of the form typedef String X; because typedefs do not create new types in C++ (they merely create new names for existing types), the overloaded insertion and extraction operators generated for these types will be ambiguous. The solution (which is admittedly inelegant) is to force a structured type to be generated:

                   tag     *
                   tag     *(20)


Vblock(3C++), G2++(3C++), G2++(4C++), iostream(3C++), String(3C++)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004