The mail message to be routed is expected to be on the standard input.
mailintro also supports aliasing for each virtual domain.
Virtual user mapping file. Maps virtual users in each domain to physical users. This file is normally edited by the multihome(1M) utility. Syntax for each line in the file is:
virtuserid@virtdomain realuserid
This dbm database file contains a hash table reflecting the virtusers text file. This file is built automatically when the multihome(1M) utility is used to update this file.
A local cache of the valid virtual domains. This file maps virtual domains to IP addresses. This file is updated automatically by the multihome(1M) utility.
Syntax for each line in the file is:
virtual_domain_name virtual_IP_address
For example: machine.com 123.456.789.123
This dbm database file contains a hash table reflecting the virtdomains file. This file is built automatically when the multihome(1M) utility is used to update this file.
One of these files can exist for each virtual domain. These files contain the aliasing information for each virtual domain. These files are normally updated with the multihome(1M) utility.
Syntax for each line in the file is:
alias_name: comma_separated_alias_entriesFor example:
alias1: user1, user2
Note that these alias files support :include: in the same manner as standard sendmail alias files.
This dbm database file contains a hash table reflecting each mail.alias file. These files are built automatically when the multihome(1M) utility is used to update the corresponding mail.aliases file.