Customizing the originating host
To customize remote logging on an originating host:
Log in as root.
Edit /etc/default/eels and find the
log-destination parameter block you want
to modify. For example, if you wanted to modify EELS
so that all ``default'' log destinations are redirected to a
destination host, modify the ``log-destination default''
parameter block. An example of a ``log-destination default''
parameter block is shown below:
log-destination default {
database defaultdb;
table events;
Comment out the database and table
parameters by preceding them with a ``#'' symbol.
Add a hostname parameter to the bottom of the
block followed by the name of the destination host.
The name can either be a name that can be resolved by
DNS or the server's IP address. For example,
if the IP address of the destination host was
``'', the resulting log-destination parameter
block would be:
log-destination default {
# database defaultdb;
# table events;
Save the changes you have made to /etc/default/eels.
The changes will not take effect until you restart EELS. However,
you should not restart EELS until you have customized the
destination host.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 22 April 2004