Using EELS

Restoring to a live database

You are unlikely to want to restore an archive to a live database. However, there are some circumstances when you may need to. One example might be where you are logging a large amount of information and that information is automatically archived before you have the chance to evaluate it. Take the following steps to restore an automatic archive to a live database.

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Edit /etc/default/eels and comment out the auto-archive parameter block to stop any additional automatic archives being started. The result should look similar to:
    # auto-archive archive_1 {
    #    source      default;
    #    query       "select * from events";
    #    filename    "/etc/eels/archives/eels_arch";
    #    trigger     30M;
    #    frequency   1H;
    # }

  3. Save /etc/default/eels.

  4. Restart EELS by entering the following commands:

    /etc/init.d/eelsrc stop
    /etc/init.d/eelsrc start

  5. Make sure that the records you are about to restore are not already in the database. If the archive was made automatically, this will not be the case. However, if the archive was done manually, it is possible that the records were not purged when the archive was made.

  6. To restore the archive file generated by the auto-archive block on January 12 1999 at 8:30 AM, enter the following command:

    eels_log_restore -a /etc/eels/archives/eels_arch.01121999_08:30:00PST \
    -t events

The live database is now ready for use with the archive restored. Do not forget to reactivate the auto-archive parameter block later if you want to resume automatic archiving.
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 22 April 2004