minfo - print the system minfo structure
The minfo macro displays the system minfo structure. This structure
shows memory utilization information like freemem and freeswap at the
time of the dump.
The minfo structure is defined in /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
Typical output looks like this:
S> minfo freemem[0] A76D2F68 freemem[1] 0000000C freeswap 0000085F vfault 00000000 demand 00000000 swap 00000000 cache 00000000 file 00000000 pfault 00000000 cw 00000000 steal 00000000 freedpgs 00000000 vfpg 00000000 sfpg 00000000 vspg 00000000 sspg 00000000 unmodsw 00000000 unmodfl 00000000 psoutok 00000000 psinfail 00000000 psinok 00000000 rsout 00000000 rsin 00000000