The / (root) filesystem contains executables and other files necessary to boot the system.
The /bck directory is used to mount a backup filesystem for restoring files.
The /bin directory contains executables for standard commands and utilities.
The /CD-ROM_1 directory is the mount point for a CD-ROM filesystem.
The /dev directory contains device special files that are used to access hardware devices and pseudo-device drivers.
The /etc directory contains machine-specific configuration files and system administration databases.
The /export directory contains the default root of the exported filesystem tree.
The /home directory contains users' home directories. Because it is desirable to keep the root filesystem small and not volatile, /home is often mounted as a separate filesystem.
The /installr directory is the mount point for package installation. It is used by the Application Installer.
On partly installed systems, the /isl directory contains results from the installation interview and log files from the installation.
The /lbin directory contains executables local to the system.
The /lib directory contains public libraries, daemons, and architecture-dependent databases.
The /lost+found directory is used by fsck(1M) to save disconnected files and directories.
The /mnt directory is used to mount filesystems for temporary use.
The /OpenServer directory contains special versions of commands and libraries for compatibility with SCO OpenServer applications.
The /opt directory contains files installed by add-on application packages. Because it is desirable to keep the root filesystem small and unchanging, /opt is often mounted as a separate filesystem.
The /pmd directory contains files used by the license manager.
The /proc directory is the mount point of the proc filesystem, which provides information on the system's processes.
The /sbin directory contains executables used for system administration.
The /share directory contains architecture independent files that can be shared.
The /share/lib directory contains architecture independent databases.
The /share/man directory contains sub-directories for online manual pages (if present).
The /stand directory is the mount point for the boot filesystem, which contains the stand-alone (bootable) programs and data files necessary for the system boot procedure.
The /system/processor directory is the mount point for the profs filesystem, which provides information on the system's processors (CPUs).
The /tmp directory contains temporary files. It is normally mounted as a memfs filesystem.
The /u95/bin directory contains special versions of commands for UNIX95 compliance.
The unix file is a symbolic link to /stand/unix (the currently running kernel).
The /usr directory contains a number of system directories, which are described in ``Directories in /usr''.
The /var directory is the mount point of the var filesystem. It contains files that can increase in size, such as log files, and directories that vary from machine to machine, such as tmp, spool, and mail. The /var filesystem also contains administrative directories such as /var/adm and /var/opt, the latter of which is installed by application packages. In some configurations, /var is a directory rather than a separate filesystem.
This directory contains files with information about VERITAS Visual Administrator® views. A view is a window created by the user or system administrator, which displays icons representing all or a subset of the objects currently known to the Visual Administrator (vxva). These files are internal to (vxva).