Unlike orange above, most of the expressions that
we want to search for cannot be specified so easily.
The expression itself might simply be too long.
More commonly, the class
of desired expressions is too large; it may, in fact, be infinite.
Thanks to the use of operators --
summarized in O below -- we can form regular expressions to signify
any expression of a certain class.
The + operator, for instance, means
one or more occurrences of the preceding expression,
the ? means 0 or 1 occurrence(s) of the preceding expression (which
is equivalent, of course, to saying that the preceding expression is optional),
means 0 or
more occurrences of the preceding expression.
(It may at first seem odd
to speak of 0 occurrences of an expression and to need an operator to capture
the idea, but it is often quite helpful.
We will see an example in a moment.)
So m+ is a regular expression that matches any string of ms:
mmm m mmmmmand 7
77 77777The empty third line matches because it has no 7s in it at all.777
The | operator indicates alternation, so that ab|cd matches either ab or cd. The operators {} specify repetition, so that a{1,5} looks for 1 to 5 occurrences of a. Brackets, [], indicate any one character from the string of characters specified between the brackets. Thus, [dgka] matches a single d, g, k, or a. Note that the characters between brackets must be adjacent, without spaces or punctuation. The ^ operator, when it appears as the first character after the left bracket, indicates all characters in the standard set except those specified between the brackets. (Note that |, {}, and ^ may serve other purposes as well; see below.) Ranges within a standard alphabetic or numeric order (A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9) are specified with a hyphen. [a-z], for instance, indicates any lowercase letter. Somewhat more interestingly,
[A-Za-z0-9is a regular expression that matches any letter (whether upper or lowercase), any digit, an asterisk, an ampersand, or a sharp character. Given the input text&#]
$$$$?? ????!!!the lexical analyzer with the previous specification in one of its rules will recognize$$ $$$$$$&+====r~~# ((
The operators become especially powerful in combination. For example, the regular expression to recognize an identifier in many programming languages is
[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]An identifier in these languages is defined to be a letter followed by zero or more letters or digits, and that is just what the regular expression says. The first pair of brackets matches any letter. The second, if it were not followed by a![]()
e not idenTIFIER pH EngineNo99 R2D2Note that it would not recognize the following as identifiers:
not_idenTIFIER 5times $hellobecause not_idenTIFIER has an embedded underscore; 5times starts with a digit, not a letter; and
starts with a special character.
A potential problem with operator characters is how we can specify them
as characters to look for in a search pattern.
The last example, for
instance, will not recognize text with a in it.
lex solves the problem
in one of two ways: an operator character
preceded by a backslash, or characters
(except backslash) enclosed in double quotation marks, are taken literally,
that is, as part of the text to be searched for.
To use the backslash method to recognize,
say, a
followed by any number of digits, we can use the pattern
\To recognize a \ itself, we need two backslashes: \\. Similarly, ``"x\[1-9]
lex operators
Expression | Description |
\x | x, if x is a lex operator |
"xy" | xy, even if x or y are lex operators (except \) |
[xy] | x or y |
[x-z] | x, y, or z |
[^x] | any character but x |
. | any character but new-line |
^x | x at the beginning of a line |
<y>x | x when lex is in start condition y |
x$ | x at the end of a line |
x? | optional x |
x![]() | 0, 1, 2, . . . instances of x |
x+ | 1, 2, 3, . . . instances of x |
x{m,n} | m through n occurrences of x |
xx|yy | either xx or yy |
x | | the action on x is the action for the next rule |
(x) | x |
x/y | x but only if followed by y |
{xx} | the translation of xx from the definitions section |