File and device input/output

Closing the stream

The last close to a STREAMS file dismantles the Stream. Dismantling consists of popping any modules on the Stream and closing the driver. Before a module is popped, the close may delay to allow any messages on the write message queue of the module to be drained by module processing. Similarly, before the driver is closed, the close may delay to allow any messages on the write message queue of the driver to be drained by driver processing. If O_NDELAY (or O_NONBLOCK) is clear, close waits up to 15 seconds for each module to drain and up to 15 seconds for the driver to drain (see open(2)). If O_NDELAY (or O_NONBLOCK) is set, the pop is performed immediately and the driver is closed without delay. Messages can remain queued, for example, if flow control is inhibiting execution of the write queue service procedure. When all modules are popped and any wait for the driver to drain is completed, the driver close routine is called. On return from the driver close, any messages left on the driver's queues are freed, and the queue and stdata structures are deallocated.

NOTE: STREAMS frees only the messages contained on a message queue. Any message or data structures used internally by the driver or module must be freed by the driver or module close procedure.

Finally, the user's file table entry and the vnode are deallocated and the file is closed.

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