REXEC is a transport-independent remote execution facility. It allows a user to execute a process on a remote host, independent of the transport provider.
REXEC is service-based. A server administrator sets up and maintains a database of services that can be executed remotely. Remote users access services, using the rexec command.
For most applications, the rexec command is a sufficient interface to the REXEC server. However, some applications programmers -- those that want a single program to talk to several REXEC servers simultaneously, for example -- need a program-level interface to the server process. To support applications programmers, a set of REXEC client routines is provided in System V Release 4 Enhanced Security. These routines, included in the library libnsl, provide a complete interface to the REXEC server. The rexec program itself was implemented using these routines.
The following documentation explains the REXEC library interface routines.