#include <ocurses.h>WINDOW
subwin(orig, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x) WINDOW
orig; int nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x;
#include <ocurses.h>main() { WINDOW *sub;
initscr(); box(stdscr,'w','w'); /* See the curses(3ocurses) manual page for box */ mvwaddstr(stdscr,7,10,"------- this is 10,10"); mvwaddch(stdscr,8,10,'|'); mvwaddch(stdscr,9,10,'v'); sub = subwin(stdscr,10,20,10,10); box(sub,'s','s'); wnoutrefresh(stdscr); wrefresh(sub); endwin(); }
This program prints a border of w's around stdscr (the sides of your terminal screen) and a border of s's around the subwindow sub when it is run. For another example, see ``The window program''.