The relative depth of a panel can be changed by either pulling the panel to the top of the deck or by pushing it to the bottom. In either case, all other panels remain at the same depth relative to each other.
int top_panel(panel) PANELFunction top_panel moves the panel pointed to by its argument to the top of the panel deck, while function bottom_panel moves the panel to the bottom of the deck.panel;
int bottom_panel(panel) PANEL
Both functions leave the size of the given panel,
the contents of its associated window,
and the relations of the other panels
in the deck
wholly intact.
Both return
if the operation is successful,
if not.
The functions fail if the panel pointer argument is
or if the panel is
hidden by a previous call to function hide_panel described below.
To move the panel pointed to by panel1 to the top of the deck of panels and the panel pointed to by panel2 to the bottom of the deck, you can write the following:
PANEL *panel1, *panel2;top_panel(panel1); bottom_panel(panel2);