The executable file fmli invokes the Form and Menu Language Interpreter and opens the file(s) you have named as the initial frame definition file(s) to open. It requires at least one argument: an initial frame to open. Subsequent interactions are driven by this initial frame.
The syntax of the fmli command is as follows:
fmli [-i initialization_file] [-c commands_file] [-a alias_file] file ...where file is the pathname of a frame definition file describing the frame(s) to be opened initially. The argument file must follow the file naming convention Menu.xxx for a menu definition file, Form.xxx for a form definition file, and Text.xxx for a text frame definition file, where xxx is any string that conforms to UNIX system file naming conventions. The descriptor lifetime will be ignored for all frames opened by argument to fmli. Such frames have a lifetime of immortal by default.
Optionally, you may provide the names of initialization_file, commands_file, and alias_file. The initialization_file provides specific global instructions that allow for customization of the application, such as redefining screen colors or the default labels and functions assigned to SLKs. The commands_file allows the definition of commands specific to your application. The alias_file provides access to files via a shell-like ($PATH) notation, and allows you to define short, easy-to-use aliases for long pathnames to files.