An Objection Class for Rudimentary Error Handling - Objection(3C++)

Raising Objections

Next the author inserts code to raise Objections at each point in the library where an error may occur. In the Stack library, an overflow error could occur in the push() routine, and underflow errors could occur in the pop() and top() routines.

When the library detects an error condition, e.g., someone trying to push() onto a full stack, it raises an Objection with the Objection::raise() member function, e.g., Stack::overflow.raise(). The value that raise() returns is dependent on the initial handler which has been associated with the Objection by the library user (see ``Instantiating Objects With a Default Action'' and ``Objections for the Software Client''). The library writer just needs to know that one of two things should happen in the library depending on the value returned from raise().

If raise() returns a 0, the default action should take place. If raise() returns a non-zero integer, the recovery action should take place. raise() will always return a 0 until appoint() or ignore() changes this. It is important that both the default action and recovery action for each Objection be documented for the library user (see ``Documenting Software with Objections'').

The Stack library author decides that the default action for raising either the Stack::underflow or Stack::overflow Objection is to abort the program with an error message, using the following routine:

      int error(const char* errmsg)
          cerr << errmsg << "\ n";
          return 0; // ignored but indicates
                    // what raise will return

The author also decides on the following recovery actions. If the client tries to pop something from an empty stack, pop() returns MAXINT, which is defined to be the largest integer on the machine. If the client tries to get the top element from an empty stack, top() also returns MAXINT. If the client tries to push() something onto a full stack, nothing happens; that is, the stack will be unchanged.

Given these default and recovery actions, the push(), pop(), and top() routines can be written as follows:

     void Stack::push(int i)
         if(size == SIZE) {
           // error condition
                 error("overflow error"); // default action
             return;                      // recovery action
             stack[size] = i;
     int Stack::pop()
         if(size < 0) {
           // error condition
                 error("underflow error");// default action
             size = 0;                    // recovery action
             return MAXINT;
             return stack[size];
     int Stack::top()
         if(size == 0) {
           // error condition
                 error("underflow error");// default action
             return MAXINT;               // recovery action
             return stack[size-1];

This is all the library author must do in order to set the stage for Objection handling.

Next topic: Instantiating Objections with a Default Action
Previous topic: Declaring and Instantiating Objections

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 27 April 2004