The command line arguments to a program consist of a series of ``options'', ``option values'', and ``non-option arguments''. An ``option'' is a letter preceded by a `-' character (and optionally by a `+'; see the section ```+' options'' below). An option may be followed by a character string, called its ``value''. Command line arguments that are neither options nor option values are ``(non-option) arguments'' (or ``arguments'', for short). For example, in
cc -c -o foo -Dbar foo.c
-c, -o, and -D are options, foo and bar are option values, and foo.c is a (non-option) argument. Notice that white space between an option and its value is optional(!). A collection of options, none of which have values, may be specified in an option ``block''. For example,
cc -cpO foo.c
is the same as
cc -c -p -O foo.c