Requests for a server may be weighted by appending an integer weighting factor, within parentheses, to the server name. The higher the weighting factor value, the lower the chance that the server will be selected. Servers for which no weighting factor is specified are assumed to have a value of zero (most likely to be selected). In the example:
able -ro alpha,bravo,charlie(1),delta(4):/usr/manhosts alpha and bravo have the highest selection priority, while host delta has the lowest.
Note that server proximity takes priority over weighting factors during server selection. In the example above, if the server delta is on the same network segment as the client, and the other servers reside on other network segments, then automount would select delta (ignoring delta's high weighting factor). In cases where servers have the same network proximity, their weighting factors are taken into account during selection.
In cases where each server has a different export point, you can still assign weighting factors. For example:
able -ro alpha:/usr/man bravo,charlie(1):/usr/share/man\ delta(4):/export/man