To add a service, use the following command:
pmadm -a -p pmtag -s svctag [-i id ] [-S "scheme" ] \
[-f xu] -v `ttyadm -V` \
-m "`ttyadm [-b] [-r count] [-c] [-h ] \
[-i msg] [-m modules] [-p prompt] [-t timeout] \
-d device -l ttylabel -s service`"
For example, the following command adds a shell service
with login as the authentication scheme
to be monitored by the port monitor ``ttymon2'':
pmadm -a -p ttymon2 -s 21 -S login -fu \
-v `ttyadm -V` \
-m "`ttyadm -d /dev/term/01 -l 9600 \
-s /usr/bin/shserv -m ldterm -p \" tty21:\"`"
The options that may be used with pmadm -a are described in ``Administering port services'', pmadm(1M), and ttyadm(1M).
To push STREAMS modules (such as the line discipline module ldterm), use the -m option to ttyadm. If autopush has pushed modules on the stream, ttymon pops them before pushing its own.
To specify a message to be printed whenever someone tries to log in on a disabled port, use the -i option to ttyadm.
In the following example,
a service is defined under port monitor ``ttymon2''
that permits both incoming and outgoing calls (the
-b option defines the port as bi-directional):
pmadm -a -p ttymon2 -s 21 -S login -fu \
-v `ttyadm -V` \
-m "`ttyadm -b -h -r0 -t 60 -d /dev/term/01 \
-l 9600H -s /usr/bin/shserv -m ldterm -p \" tty21:\"`"
The -r option to ttyadm with a count value of 0 is assumed when the -b bi-directional option is used; the -r0 could therefore have been omitted.
For example, to use cu
with the cr1 authentication scheme
instead of the login scheme,
ttymon is configured using the following command:
pmadm -a -p ttymon -s 22 -v `ttyadm -C` -fu \
-S "cr1 -s cu" \
-m "`ttyadm -b -c -t 60 -d /dev/term/02 -l 9600H \
-s /usr/bin/shserv -m ldterm -p \" tty22:\"`"