When user-controlled mapping is enabled, any non-privileged user may choose to delete an entry mapping one's own login; however, a non-privileged user cannot delete entries made by another user.
If a user also has a map entry in the administrator-controlled idata file, this user's entry will be mapped to the login specified in that entry once the uidata entry has been deleted.
When used to delete an entry, the uidadmin
command has the following syntax:
uidadmin -S scheme -d -l logname [-r g_name]
where scheme is the name of the ID mapping scheme, and logname is the local login. The use of g_name is optional. If g_name is omitted, every entry that maps a remote login to the specified local login is deleted from the uidata file. If g_name is specified, only the entry that maps that global name to the local login is deleted.
If user Mike wants to delete the entry that maps his
login michael on wizard to mike on
zooey, he would enter the following:
uidadmin -S cr1 -d -l mike -r michael@wizard