Another useful utility that aids uucp debugging is a program called Uutry(1Mbnu). Typically, you should use Uutry after setting up a system, but before committing any transfer to uucp, to check whether your system setup is working properly. Uutry can also be used if you determine that cu is working, but uucp isn't.
To run Uutry,
/usr/lib/uucp/Uutry system-name
where system-name is the name of a system in the Systems file.
When you execute Uutry, it connects to the remote system, and then uses the login sequence in the Systems(4bnu) file to attempt to log in. Uutry displays quite a bit of output and usually reports some errors along the way. Most errors reported by Uutry are not serious. When, for example, Uutry reports that a particular line is not available, uucp just tries to get the next available appropriate device.
Pay particular attention to the last line
Uutry prints.
It should say SUCCEEDED
If this message appears,
then a uucp transfer to system-name
will work.