The uucico service is added
using the pmadm command.
pmadm is described in detail in
``Administering port services''
and on
The following pmadm command
adds a line for uucico to the
port monitor's _pmtab file.
In this case, the port monitor is tcp.
Make sure you replace the Addr shown in the example
with the address on which the uucico service
will be offered.
pmadm -a -p tcp -s uucico -m "`nlsadmin -c \"/usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r 0 \
-A Addr\"`" -v `nlsadmin -V` -S "cr1 -suucico" -y"uucp"
AUTH=req KEYS=cr1For the current release, the cr1 authentication scheme is the only scheme available to BNU for authenticating remote command execution.
BNU looks for the KEYS entry in the Config file, then gets the key for the user from cr1. If KEYS has no assigned value, or if uux fails to get a key and AUTH=yes or AUTH=req, uux will fail. Otherwise, uux will proceed without the key, although the results on the remote system may not be the same.