Files in the BNU spool directories
that have filenames beginning with the characters TM.
are temporary data files.
These data files are created by BNU processes under the
spool directory
(that is, /var/spool/uucp/X) when a file is received from
another computer.
The directory X has the same name as the
remote computer that is sending the file.
The names of the temporary data files have the format:
where pid is a process ID and ddd is a sequential three-digit number starting at 0.
When the entire file is received, the TM.pid.ddd file is moved or copied to the pathname specified in the C.sysnxxxx file (discussed shortly) that caused the transmission. If processing is abnormally terminated, the TM.pid.ddd file may remain in the X directory. These files should be automatically removed by uucleanup.