The folder index screen shows you an index of all the messages in the folder.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | PINE 3.96 FOLDER INDEX Folder: RossAm Msg 2 of 2 NEW | | | |+ 1 Dec 19 Ross Armstrong (4,053) Scanning pencil drawings | |+ N 2 Dec 20 To: Ross Armstrong (1.163K) Re: Scanning pencil drawings | | | | ? Help M Main Menu P PrevMsg - PrevPage D Delete R Reply | | O OTHER CMDS V [ViewMsg] N NextMsg Spc NextPage U Undelete F Forward| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------The very top bar shows information about the folder: what the name of the folder is and how many messages it has. The example above shows a folder set up for correspondence with one specific person, to which received as well as sent messages are saved; you can set up your folders however they make it easier for you to organize your messages. By default, Pine puts messages you save from your INBOX into a folder called saved-messages, and saves a copy of messages you send into a folder called sent-mail.
Each message gets one line on the index screen. That line contains:
The following codes give you information about the current status of the message:
The number in parentheses is the size of the message, plus any attachments, in bytes (characters).
As much of the subject as will fit on the screen.
This feature searches for a word in an index or goes to first/last message.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in setup/configuration.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in setup/configuration.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in setup/configuration.
Searches can be specified by subject, date, sender/recipient, and so on.
This feature can be enabled/disabled in setup/configuration.
All of these commands can be enabled/disabled in setup/configuration.
Selection can be by current message, all messages, or by criteria: text, date, status, message number(s).