The notification is composed of three text entry fields.
The ``Notices Were Sent To'' field contains the list of addresses which were sent a notice while you were away. Anyone on this list will not receive future notifications, thus preventing duplicate replies being sent. When you return from your absence, you should empty this list using the Clear button.
The ``Notification Subject'' field contains the default text ``Absence (Automatic Reply)'' for the Subject header of your notification message. You may change this if you wish by deleting the contents of the text entry field and typing in your own personal subject. For example, ``Vacation''. The Default button deletes what you entered and inserts the default message. Note that an entry in the ``Notification Subject'' field is mandatory.
The ``Notification Message'' field contains a scrollable text entry field with a default notification message. You may change the message if you wish, by deleting the message and typing in your own. For example:
Dear All, I'm off on vacation in Hawaii at the moment so I will not answer messages until I get back. If you have any problems please contact Bob. See you when I get back.The Default button deletes what you entered and inserts the default message. Note that an entry in the ``Notification Message'' field is mandatory.Julia
When you are finished, click OK to commit your changes.