Installing, managing, and removing software

Checking installation accuracy (pkgchk)

Use pkgchk(1M) to check the integrity of a package after it has been installed on your system. pkgchk determines whether an object has been modified by software or other actions since its installation.

pkgchk performs two kinds of checks: file attributes (the permissions, ownership, and security attributes of a file, and major/minor numbers for block or character special devices) and the file contents (the size, checksum, and modification date of a file). By default, the command checks both the file attributes and the file contents. See the pkgchk(1M) manual page for complete details about available options.

To check the integrity of a package after it has been installed on your system, enter:

pkgchk -n pkg_name

The -n option indicates that volatile files (files which in the normal course of operation are modified, such as log files) should not be checked. Use -n for post-installation checking.

NOTE: If pkg_name is a SIP, then the SIP itself are checked, but the packages that are members of the set are not.

To check the packages that comprise a set, run pkginfo(1) to determine the name of each package in the set, and then run pkgchk for the individual packages.

Other options to pkgchk:

NOTE: All instances of a package can be requested by adding an asterisk (*) to the end of the package abbreviation. If you use the asterisk in your command line, enclose the entire command line in single quotes. For example:

'pkgchk -n pkgC*'

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 22 April 2004