Working with diskettes

Duplicating a diskette

You can copy the contents of a source diskette to a destination diskette using the dd(1M) command. You can choose either a character or block device, but the same device must be used for the entire procedure.

  1. If you have only a single diskette drive, copy the data on the source diskette to a temporary file on the hard disk in the temporary file space area. Enter

    dd if=special_file of=/tmp/foo bs=36b

    where special_file is the path to a diskette device (such as /dev/rdsk/f0t).

  2. Then replace the source diskette with a formatted destination diskette, and copy the temporary file to the destination diskette. Enter

    dd if=/tmp/foo of=special_file bs=36b

    NOTE: While you can use any filesystem for temporary file space, it is recommended that you use space in either /tmp or /var/tmp since files in these two directories are automatically deleted during the transition to system state 2 (multi-user state). Make sure there is enough room in the filesystem to hold the diskette image.

    With multiple diskette drives, the source data can be copied directly to the destination disk (both diskettes must have the same density, 1.44 MB, 1.2 MB, etc.).

    dd if=special_file_1 of=special_file_2 bs=36b

    For example:

    dd if=/dev/rdsk/f0t of=/dev/rdsk/f1t bs=36b

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Previous topic: Erasing diskettes

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 22 April 2004