Sleep locks
Sleep locks are DDI
synchronization primitives
that are used for serializing access
to a shared resource or
critical code region
spin locks
are inappropriate.
Note the following semantics
when using the sleep locks:
Sleep locks are not recursive in nature.
If a context attempts to lock a sleep lock
that it already has acquired,
deadlock will occur.
This condition is checked if _LOCKTEST is defined
in a DEBUG version of the driver.
Sleep locks cannot be acquired
when the caller has no process
Sleep locks normally block the calling process
if the lock is not available in the requested mode.
A function is provided to do a
on a sleep lock in contexts where
the driver may not block.
Do not lock a sleep lock at a signalable priority
when it is nested inside another sleep lock.
You should use sleep locks at signalable priority sparingly as this
can lead to the following problem:
Consider the case where a context blocks
attempting to sleep lock (signalable) a resource when it
already has another resource sleep locked.
If the context receives a STOP signal,
it will STOP holding a resource
that is locked for a potentially long time and possibly forever.
Sleep locks are supported for all DDI versions
beginning with version 5 and 5mp.
allocate and initialize a sleep lock
acquire a sleep lock
acquire a sleep lock
try to allocate a sleep lock
query whether a sleep lock is available
query whether a sleep lock is held by the caller
deallocate an instance of a sleep lock
priorities for sleep locks
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenServer 6 and UnixWare (SVR5) HDK - June 2005