
dtenvvar(5)		  FILE FORMATS		      dtenvvar(5)

     dtenvvar -	TED environment	variables

     The TED desktop sets up and uses  a  number  of  environment
     variables to find certain files and do certain things.  Com-
     ponents tied into TED then	use these  environment	variables
     to	 locate	 specific  types of files.  Environment	variables
     used within the TED desktop are:

	CEPATH	       Used by ToolTalk	when in	 Classing  Engine
		       mode,  where  the Classing Engine where to
		       find the	databases.  Refer to ttsession(1)
		       and tt_type_comp(1) for more information.

	COLUMNS	       Set by the terminal  emulator.	Refer  to
		       dtterm(1) for more information.

	DISPLAY	       Is set to  the  associated  display  name.
		       Refer  to  dtlogin(1) and ttsession(1) for
		       more information.

		       Used to	search	for  Application  Manager
		       applications.  Refer to dtappgather(1) and
		       dtsearchpath(1) for more	information.

		       Used to collect filetype	and action defin-
		       itions, as expressed in *.dt files.  Refer
		       to dtsearchpath(1), dtaction(1),	dtaction-
		       file(4),	 and dtdtsfile(4) for more infor-

		       System specified	variable used  to  locate
		       desktop	help  files.   Refer  to  dtsear-
		       chpath(1) and dthelpgen(1) for more infor-

		       User specified  variable	 used  to  locate
		       desktop	help  files.   Refer  to  dtsear-
		       chpath(1) and dthelpgen(1) for more infor-

	DTMOUNTPOINT   Used to set the name of the file	 system's
		       mount  point,  such  as	'/nfs' or '/net'.
		       Refer to	dtspcd(1) and dtsearchpath(1) for
		       more information.

	DTPRINTCWD     If set to an existing,  usable  directory,

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		       this setting causes dtlp(1) to execute the
		       lp command pipeline from	 that  directory.
		       By  default, this setting uses the current
		       directory from which dtlp(1)  is	 invoked.
		       Refer to	dtlp(1)	for more information.

		       Remove the file after printing  it.   This
		       functionality  is  intended  for	temporary
		       files generated by components such as  the
		       Text  Editor  and  Help	system files that
		       don't need to persist beyond  the  act  of
		       printing.   Value  must	be  True or False
		       (case  is  ignored).   Default  is  False.
		       Refer to	dtlp(1)	for more information.

	DTPRINTSILENT  Print the file silently,	 without  posting
		       the  PRINT  dialog.  Value must be True or
		       False  (case  is	 ignored).   Default   is
		       False.  Refer to	dtlp(1)	for more informa-

		       Use this	value as the name of file  as  it
		       should	appear	 in   the  PRINT  dialog.
		       Default is print_file.  Refer  to  dtlp(1)
		       for more	information.

		       Used to set  the	 default  desktop  screen
		       saver  action list.  Used by dtstyle(1) to
		       determine the  list  of	available  screen
		       savers.	 Refer	to  dtstyle(1)	for  more

		       Used by system administrators as	an  input
		       to    dtsearchpath(1)	to   create   the
		       DTAPPSEARCHPATH environment variable.   It
		       is  the	primary	 environment variable and
		       drives  the  remaining  search  paths  for
		       filetypes  and actions, for desktop icons,
		       and   for   help	   files.     Refer    to
		       dtappgather(1)	and  dtsearchpath(1)  for
		       more information.

		       Used by system administrators as	an  input
		       to  dtsearchpath	 to  create  the  DTDATA-
		       BASESEARCHPATH	 environment	variable.
		       Refer to	dtsearchpath(1)	for more informa-

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	DTSPSYSHELP    Used by system administrators as	an  input
		       to  dtsearchpath	to create the DTHELPSEAR-
		       CHPATH  environment  variable.	Refer  to
		       dtsearchpath(1) for more	information.

	DTSPSYSICON    Used by system administrators as	an  input
		       to  dtsearchpath	to create the XMICONSEAR-
		       CHPATH and XMICONBMSEARCHPATH  environment
		       varables.   Refer  to  dtsearchpath(1) for
		       more information.

		       Used by end users as an input  to  dtsear-
		       chpath	to   create  the  DTAPPSEARCHPATH
		       environment    variable.	     Refer     to
		       dtappgather(1)	and  dtsearchpath(1)  for
		       more information.

		       Used by end users as an input  to  dtsear-
		       chpath  to create the DTDATABASESEARCHPATH
		       environment variable.   Refer  to  dtsear-
		       chpath(1) for more information.

	DTSPUSERHELP   Used by end users as an input  to  dtsear-
		       chpath(1)  to  create the DTHELPSEARCHPATH
		       environment variable.   Refer  to  dtsear-
		       chpath for more information.

	DTSPUSERICON   Used by end users as an input  to  dtsear-
		       chpath(1)  to  create the XMICONSEARCHPATH
		       and XMICONBMSEARCHPATH  environment  vari-
		       ables.	Refer to dtsearchpath(1) for more

	DTTAGOPT       Used by dthelptag(1).   Refer  to  dthelp-
		       tag(1) for more information.

	DTUSERSESSION  Used to control the location  of	 the  end
		       user's  subdirectory where the Application
		       Manager will be rooted.	Also used by  the
		       Help  system  to	store data on a	per user-
		       session-display	  basis.     Refer     to
		       dtappgather(1)  or  dthelpview(1) for more

	EDITOR	       Is set to /usr/dt/bin/dtpad Refer to dtlo-
		       gin(1) for more information.

	HOME	       Is set to the home directory of the  user.
		       Refer to	dtlogin(1) and dtmail(1) for more

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	KBD_LANG       Is set to the value of LANG for applicable
		       languages.   Refer  to dtlogin(1) for more

	LANG	       Is set to the  current  NLS  language  (if
		       any).  Refer to dtlogin(1) for more infor-

	LC_ALL	       Is set to the  current  NLS  language  (if
		       any).  Refer to dtlogin(1) for more infor-

	LC_MESSAGES    Is set to the  current  NLS  language  (if
		       any).  Refer to dtlogin(1) for more infor-

	LINES	       Set by the terminal  emulator.	Refer  to
		       dtterm(1) for more information.

	LOGNAME	       Is set to the user name.	 Refer	to  dtlo-
		       gin(1) for more information.

	LPDEST	       Set the printer destination for the  file.
		       Refer to	dtlp(1)	for more information.

	MAIL	       Is set to /usr/mail/$USER  (system  depen-
		       dent).	 Refer	to  dtlogin(1)	for  more

	MAILRC	       Used by dtmail(1) as the	mailer's  startup
		       file.   Refer to	dtmail(1) for more infor-

	MANPATH	       The   dtsearchpath(1)   utility	  appends
		       /usr/dt/man   to	 it.   Refer  to  dtsear-
		       chpath(1) for more information.

	NLSPATH	       Determine the location of message  catalo-
		       gues  for  the  processing of LC_MESSAGES.
		       Refer to	dtterm(1) for more information.

	PATH	       Is  set	to  the	 value	of  the	 userPath
		       resource.   Refer  to  dtlogin(1) for more

	SHELL	       Is set to the user's default  shell  (from
		       /etc/passwd).   Refer  to  dtlogin(1)  and
		       dtterm(1) for more information.

	TERM	       Is set to dtterm	the default TED	 terminal
		       emulator.   Refer  to  dtterm(1)	and dtlo-
		       gin(1) for more information.

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		       Set by the terminal  emulator.	Refer  to
		       dtterm(1)) for more information.

	TTPATH	       Used by ToolTalk.  It tells ToolTalk where
		       to  find	 the ToolTalk types database when
		       in XDR mode.  Refer  to	ttsession(1)  for
		       more information.

	TTSESSION_CMD  This specifies the  shell  command  to  be
		       used  by	 all  ToolTalk	clients	for auto-
		       starting	ttsession.  Refer to ttsession(1)
		       for more	information.

		       Used by ToolTalk.  It specifies the number
		       of bytes	of argument and	context	values to
		       write when in trace mode.  Refer	to ttses-
		       sion(1) for more	information.

	TT_FILE	       Set by ttsession	when it	invokes	a tool to
		       recieve	a message.  Refer to ttsession(1)
		       for more	information.

	TT_SESSION     The ttsession utility uses this varible to
		       communicate  its	 session  ID to	the tools
		       that it starts.	Refer to ttsession(1) for
		       more information.

	TT_TOKEN       Used to inform the ToolTalk client library
		       that  it	 has  been  invoked by ttsession.
		       Refer to	ttsession(1)  for  more	 informa-

		       If set, tells libtt to turn on client-side
		       tracing	as  specified in the trace script
		       Refer to	ttrace(1) for more information.

	TZ	       Is  set	to  the	 value	of  the	 timeZone
		       resource	 or  system  default.	Refer  to
		       dtlogin(1) for more information.

	USER	       Is set to the user name.	 Refer	to  dtlo-
		       gin(1) for more information.

	WINDOWID       Set by the terminal  emulator.	Refer  to
		       dtterm(1) for more information.

	XAPPLRESDIR    Specifies the name  of  a  directory  that
		       contains	 application  specific resources.
		       Refer to	dtterm(1) and  dtwm(1)	for  more

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	XAUTHORITY     May be set to an	authority file.	 Refer to
		       dtlogin(1) for more information.

	XENVIRONMENT   Specifies the name of a resource	file with
		       user-   or   machine  specific  resources.
		       Refer to	dtterm(1) and  dtwm(1)	for  more

		       Defines a language-dependent  location  of
		       app-defaults.	Refer  to  dtterm(1)  and
		       dtwm(1) for more	information.

		       Used to locate desktop  icons.	Refer  to
		       dtsearchpath(1) for more	information.

		       Used to locate bitmap  (2  color)  desktop
		       icons.	Refer to dtsearchpath(1) for more

	XMODIFIER      Specifies  which	 input	method	to   use.
		       Refer to	dtterm(1) for more information.

     dtaction(1), dtactionfile(4), dtappgather(1), dtappin-
     tegrate(1), dtcm(1), dthelpgen(1),	dthelptag(1), dthelp-
     view(1), dtlogin(1), dtlp(1), dtsearchpath(1), dtspcd(1),
     dtstyle(1), dtterm(1), dtdtsfile(4), dtwm(1),
     tt_type_comp(1), ttsession(1), tttrace(1).

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See also dtenvvar(5)

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