
dthelptag(1)		 USER COMMANDS		     dthelptag(1)

     dthelptag - compile TED Help source documents  into  runtime
     Help volumes

     dthelptag [ options ] file	[ parser-options ]

     The dthelptag utility is the TED Help System compiler for
     translating HelpTag source	markup into the	online distribu-
     tion format suitable for runtime display.	See the	TED Help
     System Author's and Programmer's Guide for	a description of
     the HelpTag markup	language.  See dthelpview(1) for more
     information on previewing compiled	Help volumes.

     The dthelptag utility accepts a single file name as an argu-
     ment.  If the file	name contains a	period (``.''),	any char-
     acters after the last period are considered to be the exten-
     sion.  The	dthelptag utility removes all characters after
     the last period and uses the resulting name as the	base name
     for all intermediate files	and for	the final output files.

     If	the file argument has no periods, dthelptag uses the
     argument as the base name for intermediate	and output files
     and assumes an extension of .htg, .ctg or .sdl for	the input
     file.  The	.ctg extension is assumed when the -formal option
     described below is	used.  The .sdl	extension is assumed when
     the -compress or -decompress option (described later in this
     document) is used.

     Several options to	dthelptag may precede the file name.
     Several arguments directing the parsing phase of the dthelp-
     tag process may follow the	file name.

     The output	file is:
     file.sdl -	the compiled help volume file.

     The following options are available:

	-verbose       The -verbose option will	cause dthelptag
		       to generate and display parser messages
		       during processing.

	-formal	       The -formal option causes dthelptag to
		       accept a	subset of the HelpTag language
		       that is strictly	compliant to canonical
		       SGML.  (See the TED Help	System Author's
		       and Programmer's	Guide.)	 When this option
		       is given, the default extension of the
		       input file becomes .ctg.

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dthelptag(1)		 USER COMMANDS		     dthelptag(1)

	-nooptimize    The -nooptimize option eliminates certain
		       optimizations that normally take	place
		       during translation of HelpTag markup to
		       the runtime format.  Using this option
		       speeds the translation process.

	-clean	       The -clean option causes	dthelptag to sim-
		       ply remove any intermediate files from the
		       current directory.  No translation takes

	-debug	       The -debug option causes	dthelptag to
		       leave all intermediate files in the
		       current directory.  The -debug option also
		       blocks the compression step of dthelptag,
		       leaving the resulting .sdl output file in
		       a human-readable	form.

	-files	       The -files option causes	a list of files
		       referenced in the translation process to
		       be emitted to the standard output.  No
		       translation takes place.

	-help	       The -help option	causes dthelptag to emit
		       a synopsis of the dthelptag command line
		       and a list of options to	the standard out-

	-decompress    The -decompress option causes dthelptag to
		       decompress a previously created .sdl file.
		       When this option	is specified, the default
		       input extension is .sdl.

	-compress      The -compress option causes dthelptag to
		       compress	a .sdl file that either	was
		       created by translating a	.htg or	.ctg file
		       using the -debug	option or was previously
		       decompressed using the -decompress option.
		       When this option	is specified, the default
		       input extension is .sdl.

  Parser Options
     Any parser	options	follow the file	argument on the	command
     line and take the form option=value for those options taking
     an	argument and simply option for those options not taking
     an	argument.  Parser options may also be set in the environ-
     ment variable DTTAGOPT, in	a helptag.opt file or in a file
     named file.opt in the current directory.  The helptag.opt
     file may reside in	the current directory or in the	directory
     in	which dthelptag	is placed.

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dthelptag(1)		 USER COMMANDS		     dthelptag(1)

     The order of precedence of	the option settings is:

	o	       The file	helptag.opt in the dthelptag ins-
		       tallation directory.  This directory
		       defaults	to /usr/dt/bin.

	o	       The environment variable	DTTAGOPT.

	o	       The file	helptag.opt in the current direc-

	o	       The file	file.opt in the	current	direc-

	o	       The command line.

     Parser options set	later in the list override options set

     The parser	options	supported by dthelptag are:

	onerror=go     Cause errors to be non-fatal.  That is,
		       parsing continues and later phases of the
		       dthelptag process are run even if syntax
		       errors were encountered.

	onerror=stop   This is the default setting of the oner-
		       ror= option.  It	causes the dthelptag pro-
		       cess to stop upon completion of the parser
		       phase if	syntax errors were encountered
		       during the parse.

	charset=name   The default character set used by the help
		       system is ISO8859-1.  A different charac-
		       ter set may be specified, for example,
		       name, using the charset=	option.	 The
		       character set may also be set in	the
		       helplang.ent file described in the TED
		       Help System Author's and	Programmer's

	search=path    Specifies one or	more directory path(s) to
		       be searched when	executing dthelptag.
		       Both dthelptag input files and/or addi-
		       tional graphics or entity declaration
		       files referenced	within the HelpTag markup
		       can be made accessible by setting this
		       option.	The search= option may be speci-
		       fied more that once and the list	of direc-
		       tories to search	is accumulated.

	clearsearch    Clears the list of directories searched

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dthelptag(1)		 USER COMMANDS		     dthelptag(1)

		       for file	and image entities.

	memo	       The memo	option causes authors' comments
		       to be included in the output.

	nomemo	       Specifies the inverse of	the memo option.
		       Both memo and nomemo may	be specified, but
		       the last	entry will override any	previous

	shortfiles     Neither the shortfiles parser-option nor
		       any of its synonyms should be used.
		       Rather, the -shortfiles option should be
		       given as	an option to dthelptag.	 The
		       dthelptag driver	needs to know whether the
		       user has	requested short	file names since
		       dthelptag must know the names of	the
		       intermediate files.

	shortfile      This is a synonym for shortfiles.

	short	       This is a synonym for shortfiles.

	longfiles      This option and any of its synonyms should
		       not be used for the same	reason that the
		       shortfiles option should	not be used.

	longfiles      Long, untruncated file names are	the

	longfile       This is a synonym for longfiles.

	long	       This is a synonym for longfiles.

     LANG determines the language in which the input file is
     interpreted.  The LANG environment	variable can be	overrid-
     den in the	helplang.ent file described in the TED Help Sys-
     tem Author's and Programmer's Guide.

     DTTAGOPT may be used to set parser	options.

  International	Code Set Support
     Single- and multi-byte character code sets	are supported.

     Following are the input files used	by the dthelptag parser:

	file.htg       Default input file.

	file.ctg       Default input file when the -formal option
		       has been	specified.

Unix System LaboratoLast change: 1 August 1995			4

dthelptag(1)		 USER COMMANDS		     dthelptag(1)	       Status file and log.

	helplang.ent   Character set information and localizable
		       replacement text.

	helptag.opt    Option file.

     Following are the input files used	by the dthelptag parser:

	file.sdl       Runtime help volume

	file.err       Run log and error listing

     The dthelptag utility is a	driver program that executes two
     phases of the compilation process.	 The first phase
     translates	the source markup into the distribution	format.
     The second	phase enhances the distribution	file by	precom-
     puting information	such as	a list of identifiers in the file
     and their locations.  These precomputations, along	with
     several optimizations, enable rapid runtime display of the
     file.  The	second phase of	the translation	process	also
     compresses	the distribution file to reduce	file system space
     required to store the file.

     The following exit	values are returned:

	0   Successful completion.

	1   An error was detected in the source	file.

	2   An invocation error	was detected.


	dthelptag -clean myFile.htg
		       Remove all files	previously generated by
		       processing a source file	of myFile.htg.

	dthelptag myFile.htg onerror=go
		       Process the file	myFile.htg, not	stopping
		       even if there are syntax	errors.

	dthelptag myFile.htg
		       Process the file	myFile.htg.

     dthelpview(1), TED	Help System Author's and Programmer's

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dthelptag(1)		 USER COMMANDS		     dthelptag(1)


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See also dthelptag(1)

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